Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10th

Today's ornament is in memory of John's mother, Grace who would've been 93 today. (she died in August 2005). Grace always enjoyed celebrating her birthday and the holidays. Every year she would have lots of little gifts for all of her grandchildren to open. When Brenna and Megan attended Holy Trinity Episcopal School...the PTO had a fundraiser every December. Grandparents were "invited" to send in a donation and a Christmas wish (to be put on an ornament paper that would then be put on a tree in the courtyard. Ever year the message from Grandma Grace and "Pa" was the same...just like the one pictured here.
We also got a number of Christmas music boxes, like this angel, over the years. I don't have room to put them all on display...but I have this one, along with some other Christmas nick knacks ( from Grandama and Grandpa )around the house. We have many fond memories of Grace and John, and all the family from years past...ornaments like this one and the music boxes and nick knacks are special reminders of their love.
The Southern Living luncheon Wednesday was a lot of fun! Everything was delicious. We all decided that we were either very hungry several were...since they've been on restricted diets these last few months..hahahaha or everything was especially good this month. Favorites included The "Beefy Black Bean Stew", "Perfect Mashed Potatoes" and the top recipe of the month...the "Spinach-Apple Salad with Maple-Cider Vinaigrette" (the sugared-curried pecans were delicious!...and I am not usually a fan of curry)...(I'd eat them as a snack!) You can find these recipes and others at the Southern Living web site
(by the way the the center peice she had on this table was from a Boy Scout was really nice! next year I need to remember to check with my friends who have boy scouts!)Susan who was the hostess this month always has her house decked out for Christmas. The Grinch greeted us at the front door...but inside it was a Christmas wonderland...a tree to match each room...cute figurines, glassware and dishes (some pictured)...but not overdone..(I've been to places that were a bit over the top!).....just fun and very cute! It was an afternoon of good food and good fun and a lot of laughs!
When Brenna saw my post with my Gator ornaments she commented that maybe it was time to put an elephant on my tree...well...I don't have an elephant...but I did get a new shirt and I have my mug!

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