Sunday, December 13, 2009

Melbourne Beach Children's Christmas Parade

This is Sandy who came up with this year's float theme...
Recipe for Success...READ

Decorations near Town Hall and people gathering for the parade

The kids on our float who threw out the candy to the crowds

Sandy, Kelly & Liana...they made all the float decorations...(.based on designs Ms. Dianne had at the library)
Ms. Dianne and I ready to go
paper gingerbread men that we had attached a mint on the back, library hours on the front. These were a big hit!and once or twice someone did actually get hit by one! hhehehe
riding in the truck
some little friends getting ready for the start...they rode bikes and walked along...CUTE!
coming back up the street...we passed the Boy Scout troop and others heading our way
You can't have a parade without the local fire trucks!
Here's the turnaround point. Start of the parade was the park near the river end of Ocean Ave... We "marched" down the street and looped around at the ocean front and made our way back.

At the Communtiy Center...they had cookies and punch for the children and the judes picked the winners in each category...listening to the list of winners...I came to the conclusion that pretty much everyone was a "winner" of some sort
THE WINNERS! FIRST PLACE! (our first FIRST place win...we have gotten 2nd...the last 3 years)

Saturaday morning was the annual Melbourne Beach Children's parade...and one of our local families always puts together a float to represent the Library. This year Sandy came up with the cute idea to have us dress like chefs on our Recipe for Success themed float. It was cute as can be and I knew we were going to win....because the crowds really liked our float. As usual...the whole town turned out...Grandparents, Moms, Dads, dogs...everyone! Most of the kids are in the there's probably more IN it...than watching it...but that's half the fun! It was a great way to spend the morning. Lots of cloud cover...but no it was very pleasant.
After the parade I packed up myself and the dog and headed down to Vero Beach to spend the night at my friend Linda's. we went out for a great dinner at the "French Quarter" restaurant and some shopping. (John is out of this was a plan for me to have something to do on my birthday. It was nice.) Now I have cards to write and cookies to bake....and with any luck...some meteors to watch! I'll catch up on the ornaments tomorrow.

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