Monday, December 28, 2009


The stockings were hung by the chimney with care......and all was quiet for the time being on a cloudy, drizzly, cold Christmas eve.Our plan was to go to the Christmas Eve service in the afternoon and then go to dinner afterwards. (the Ross family tradition)
We were getting dressed for church and Megan and I ended up in Elizabeth's closet...selecting boots that would compliment our outfits. I have one pair of boots that I wear with jeans...but when Liz saw my dress...she said she had the perfect pair of boots to match my dress. I tried them on... decided I would be able to walk and decided to wear them. Megan was trying to figure out what she was going to wear on her feet...again...Liz had just the right pair of boots for her. Once we were decked out we had to pose with the boots on.
The service was a contemporary one....kind of a fresh way of presenting the Christmas story... it was very well done.There was lots of music and singing (very nice), photos and graphics projected on the wall and a play/skit. It made it interesting...kind of different...not the same old thing...which was good...but not for everyone. Brenna said she prefers a regular mass,while John really enjoyed the service. I enjoyed it, the "sermon" was a good one and the singing was nice...( a lot of talented people and they were accompanied by a band.).. It was definitely different than what we are used to at the Catholic Church.) They had a nice ending with everyone sharing lighted candles...and singing Silent Night.
Elizabeth and Meredith in the church lobby after the service
IN the lobby after the service we posed for pictures by the tree. Megan, Anne, Brenna and John and Elizabeth, Ryan and Meredith
Elizabeth and her friend Jon. We had heard a lot about Jon and it was a pleasure to finally get to meet him.
The next morning...we were all getting ready to open gifts and munch on some of the many treats Elizabeth had for us.

Brenna and Megan
Ryan posing with the tiki he got
Megan and Wally the cat

1 comment:

  1. Megan with the Cat is classic. Im glad we drove down It was nice to get to see you mommy!
