Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Sunset on the last day of the year 2009!
New Year's Eve we had my brother David & Bridget, Brother-in-law Rob and my nephew Shane and my brother Paul over for dinner. John cooked up some of the fish we had in the freezer. We had some good wine, great fish and a nice time. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful....I'm not a big fan of going out on New Year's Eve...John loves kissing all the girls... while I hide around midnight so no one comes trying to kiss me! hahaha And these's rare to find us out anywhere close to once dinner was over...things were pretty quiet around here.
My nephew Shane lounging in the hammock...watching TV...what could be better!!!!!!Rob, Shane,Bridget, Paul, John at dinner
It was quiet...except for all the fireworks going off around the neighborhood. Kiena was scared to death...pacing around the house...until I finally gave her something to calm her down a little...and luckily by 1 am it was quiet enough to go out and "do her business".Our neighbor behind us was LAUNCHING some major fireworks....big bangs, lots of sparkle...which I obviously did NOT capture
New Year's Day on the other hand...we like to celebrate. It just so happened that this year the Gators were actually playing in a Bowl Game on New Year's that was two reasons for a party. We had a "Pot Luck" open house starting at 4pm. I was glad we had decided to start at 4...because in spite of the fact that I didn't go anywhere or drink New Year's Eve...I woke up with a headache that would not go away! I think it was the rain and clouds and cold front moving in...causing major sinus pressure. Luckily a few Excedrin and a nap finally got rid of the headache and I was good to go by 4pm.
Chuck, Gayle T. & Gayle M. and Pat.
After the rain ended in the afternoon....the first day of 2010 ended with a beautiful, colorful sunset!
The youngest friend at the party...17 months old and she never stopped all night!
Mike, Denise and Heather
Linda, Leigh & John
Jordan, Reid, Chandler, Amy and Dillon ready for the game to start
Mark & Charlie

John, Ron in cognito and John M.
Kiena's best friend at the party....these two were together all was like an endless dispenser of food for Kiena. Julia was giving her everything from goldfish to carrots to name it...they ate it. I was sure Kiena was going to need a Tums or Rolaid or something...but I am happy to report she slept well all problem At one point Julia was letting Kiena lick her face and then she licked Kiena back...since her mother used to work at the Vet...and they have several pets of their one was too alarmed. It was cute to watch...Julia smiled all night long and charmed everyone at the party.
telling stories
Art, Mark, John and Amy
We all had a lot of fun...the fact the the Gators looked like the team we all love to cheer for...also helped. We had a lot of laughs, some GREAT food and it was a good time. A good beginning to 2010!


  1. Leigh and I had a great time -thanks for including us. I absolutely loved Julia--awesome child. 2010-it's going to be a wonderful year...decade. Look forward to seeing you guys again soon. Keep in touch. Anne
    would it be possible for you to E-mail me the picture of John, Leigh and I---i thought it was a good one. I only have one picture of us!! Thanks-if it's a hassle don't worry about it!! Talk to you soon.

    AHHHH hahaha It looked like you had fun sorry I missed it!
