Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas in Virginia

Wednesday morning bright and early (of course), John and I were at the Orlando Airport heading out for our trip to VA. The airport was surprisingly quiet...we managed to get there after all the backed-up passengers were finally cleared out I any was great to go right through security and out to our gate in no time at all. We got a cup of coffee, enjoyed the tree and waited to go
When we arrived at Elizabeth's...Ryan had written this greeting for us in the kitchen... on the board next to one of the MANY Christmas decorations Liz had all around the house
Brenna and Megan drove down from DC and arrived about 1/2 hour after we did. Here's Brenna out in front of the house.
View in the back of the house
Can you see the was nice back there...lots of birds!

Even the shed was decorated
back of the house

Elizabeth had little decorations all this tree on the table

her nativity set in the Dining room...(underneath a painting our brother David painted) I noticed her set also has Mary holding baby Jesus

The area at the bottom of the stairs...near the front door
Flowers, candles,and more holiday decor
The gang in the kitchen

Here's the group sitting around on Christmas morning...opening some of the gifts
All the decorations were lovely...they were in every room of the house...and Elizabeth certainly made us feel right at home! We ate, played games, drove around town a bit, and enjoyed a Christmas Eve service together...followed by a nice dinner in Virginia Beach.
More photos of the group tomorrow.................

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