Saturday, November 14, 2009

Here we go again!

John, Darlene, Reid, Chandler & John M.
Amy, Gayle, Caitlin , Ron & Darlene
The Group- Charlie, Caitlin, Gayle, John & Anne, Ron, Mark, John M, Steve M. Denise & Mike, Reid, Amy & Chandler,Mark, Paul & Connie...incidentally John is NOT wearing a fish on his head...hahaha

This week went by pretty quickly....I guess having the Holiday in the middle of the week helped....but here we go again IT'S GAME DAY! My schedule was weird this week...I was off Monday, worked 3pm-8pm Tuesday, off Wed, then worked Thursday & Friday. It was a relatively uneventful week......except we are still getting used to a new system for reserving computers at the Library...and that was trying a times. It used to be that you did NOT need to have a library card in order to get on the computers, you just signed in at Reference and got on. Most of the year we do not have waits for our computers...except when all the "snowbirds" are back in town....they are coming now For some libraries this new system will be very automatically shuts off after your 1 hour is up, keeps track of who's on the computers,when they started and their time remaining, etc....which is all well and good...except the transition period is causing some lots of new library cards getting issued, updated, etc. So Tuesday I arrived at 3pm and it was like jumping into the frying was busy...and hard to catch up! Friday wasn't as bad...just a long day, extra hour tacked on to make up for the one hour not covered in the Holiday I was happy at the end of the day Friday.
Saturday (today) we invited some people over to watch the Gator/SC game and to eat some fish...we needed to cook some of the stuff that's been in the we called in some Gator fan friends of ours, and we ate and drank and enjoyed watching the Gators beat South Carolina. Like I said last week...watching the game is just more fun with a crowd of people...especially if you throw in some fried wahoo, snook and lobster.... Paired up with cole slaw, macaroni salad, chicken noodle soup, 18 bean and "smoked hog" soup, apple crisp and cookies....and you have a PARTY! We
were a little nervous when the score was 17-14...but once again our team came through with the win. The weather here was absolutely skies and mild all the windows and doors were open and it was a great afternoon/evening.At 9:00pm when things were winding felt much later than the time on the clock. A couple people had to go...they work tomorrow, John and Ron are getting up early to head to Miami for the Miami/Tampa game. They got tickets from a friend...SECOND Row...50Yard line....NICE seats! It should be a beautiful day again tomorrow...they will have a great time....we'll be looking for them on TV! haha As for me...I'll be sleeping in and tidying up...getting things put away until the next get together.......................................

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