Monday, November 9, 2009

The Case of the Missing Keys

The Case of the Missing Keys....or you could call it Anne temporarily loses her mind!
Aggggh! I had to work Saturday...(which is never a good thing...hahaa) and I really wasn't having a problem with that, usually we only get scheduled for one Saturday a month. My problem was that I left my keys at the little get-together we attended Friday night. I was not aware that I had left them, because John also had keys with him that night...and when it was time to leave he handed me the keys and off we went.
Saturday morning I had good intentions always of getting up in plenty of time to exercise, eat a good breakfast that would hold me until I got off of work 5 hours later usual the plans didn't quite work out...but I was doing okay. Problem number 1 was when I realized that the clock in my room was NOT 10 minutes fast like I like it...(don't's a mental thing) it was actually only 5 minutes fast because John had reset it the night before. he asked me what time I wanted and I THOUGHT he agreed...but discovered otherwise the next morning. For the record...he just can't understand WHY I want it set fast.,..instead of just getting up 10 minutes earlier...which of course makes perfect sense...but I don't care...I just like feeling like I have some extra time.
now that we have that straight So I was a little aggravated when I discovered that I was only 5, not 10 minutes ahead of the game...then I went to get my keys.........and that is when the meltdown started. hahha I looked in all the "normal" spots...I am usually careful to keep them on the key rack...because I have been known to set things down when I'm distracted and then it isn't good! Not on the rack, not on the dresser, not in the purse, closet,bag, name it. I started getting nervous...because my built in 10 make that 5 minute window had evaporated and I still had no keys, no spare and John was already gone and working at our friends house in Melbourne. I called John in a panic (not very nicely I might add)... I believe the conversation started with me telling him the clock was set wrong and now I couldn't find my keys...blah blah blah...I was close to tears....Luckily John stayed calm....John didn't yell back at me...he told me to take a deep breath, call Susan and tell her I was running late, and he would be on his way home with a key. I did those things and then started getting creative in my search...went through the trash (already out at the curb for pick up)....(I knew I had them when I got home from the store right before we went out Friday....)not there. They were just GONE! John brought me a key...I got to work 25 minutes later....and when I got home we decided maybe I had left them at the party and someone had found them when they were cleaning up. I called Gayle and sure enough they had found some keys. Thank God!....I seriously thought I was really losing it this time! Secretly I was glad to know they weren't sitting in some obvious spot in my house the whole time.....(at least I know I really did a thorough check). So...the mystery is solved....and I hope I don't have another one to solve any time soon!

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