Sunday, November 15, 2009

words of wisdom

Last night when I was cleaning up after the party...I found this box out on John's work table. He had set up the two fryers out in the garage so the whole house wouldn't smell like fried fish at the end of the night...(also to cut down on the mess!)
I guess our friend Ron had bought a 12 pack of 5 Hour Energy drinks and didn't like they way he felt when he drank he gave the remaining bottles to John. John used some when he drove with Brenna up to DC....said it worked well to keep him awake...but Brenna wasn't sure if she was going to survive the trip...John has plenty of energy as it is...add to that and welllllllll He has used it when they were out on a long day of offshore fishing...and I guess that makes sense....I personally have never tried I can't tell you if they work. of our friends at the party last evening, Ben, spotted the box and laughed. He and John have been working on the same job recently and even though Ben is about half his age...the two of them really have hit it off. Ben has been over for fish frys, we've met up with him to watch football, etc. He's been out on the boat and out he knows John pretty well. When he spotted the box of energy drinks he came in and got a Sharpie and wrote the pictured message on the box HAhahaha.....he showed John and said..."The LAST thing you need is MORE energy!"
we all got a good laugh about that!

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