Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Good weekend

Notice the "tablecloth"...actually a Shower Curtain I saw at Target...that was perfectly proportioned to fit my table!

last year's shirt...I'll have to get it out again!
It's been a nice weekend. It started with Friday...which happened to be a day off for me. I didn't really have any it was great to get a call from my friend Lisa inviting me to join her and another friend Debbie on their Friday morning bike ride. (I had run into the two of them two Fridays ago...they were heading out as I was heading home...mostly due to the fact that the rainstorm that I assumed was going to be brief and blow over in no time, kept getting more persistent and I was getting soaked!) So I ventured out with Lisa and Debbie on a lovely although breezy morning ride. When I got home there was a message from Gayle inviting us to join them for the First Friday Art Walk in downtown Eau Gallie. The studio where she teaches and works out was having an Open House. We decided to join them and ran in to several other friends during the course of the evening. They were playing music and showing some of their routines...and while it was tempting...I did not join in. I sat with Nancy and watched. I am generally not good in Aerobics and/or Dance classes because it never fails.... the whole group will be going one way and sure enough I will be going the other way. Kiena and I didn't do well in the dog training class for the same's hard to get the dog to follow the "commands" if your spending all your time trying to figure out which way you and the dog are supposed to be turning/walking whatever....and since we had no future in Dog Shows.think Best in Show..hahha I knew it didn't really matter.
Okay back to the story.....naturally JOHN had to get up and dance around with all the girls...and he wasn't too bad! heard they were looking for him when they met for class on Sat morning! turned out to be a fun time.
I did have to work Saturday...which was NOT fun.....busy and frustrating because we just had a new computer system installed at MBPL....more on THAT later!
Saturday afternoon and evening we headed over to Reid and Amy's for some steak and lobster while we watched the Gators play. Looks like we are going to have a repeat of last year's SEC championship match. .....only this year it might be a closer match-up! Their neighborhood was having a Block there was a lot of activity going on....and it was a BEAUTIFUL for a change!
Today....we decided to have some people over to watch the Dolphins play get beaten. We cooked up some Teriyaki Chicken with rice and vegetables and fruit salad. Also cooked up a batch of some Chicken Tortilla Soup (recipe I got from my sister-in-law Kathie). Our friend Pat made an Apple pie; which was great! (even better after a quick trip to Moo's for some soft serve Vanilla Ice Cream!). John & I, Chuck and Pat, my brother Mark (!) who never shows up! hahhaRon, L.J., Mike R., Tom S. and John M, all came and we had fun. The game is just more fun to watch when there's a crowd watching with you I think! Alas...the Dolphins couldn't pull off the win....but L.J.(Patriots fan) was happy! and we did have a good time anyway!

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