Monday, May 18, 2009

Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here!

Posing with the food.....I didn't eat it...only licked my fingers!

Fresh batch!


OOOOOOOOh that's hot!
Anne and Moe

Paul and Moe

John -Anne - Brenna

Chuck and Brenna in between batches

Anne and David in background

Ready and waiting


Betty Crocker would approve!


We used to have a doorbell that played that tune...and every time we heard it , it cracked us up.It played several other songs...depending on the occasion...but that was our (Megan's) favorite. This past weekend was shaping up to be the usual not too exciting weekend...when Brenna decided at the last minute to take a quick trip home for the weekend. We picked her up on Friday night at 9:40pm...and after we drove back to Melbourne...John went to bed and Brenna and I stayed up and had a glass of sparkling wine and talkedI talked, Brenna listenedSince John is usually asleep fairly early...I don't have anyone to talk to...except the it was nice to catch up with Brenna
Saturday we were invited to our friends annual Crayfish Boil...always a good time...and more fun with Brenna joining us. Chuck had 125 lbs of fresh Louisiana crayfish shipped in...and along with artichokes, onions,corn, mushrooms,hotdogs(?) it all went into the pot. Lots of cayenne pepper and other hot stuff too. Fortunately...for wimps like me...John brought some wahoo, mahi, tuna, and snapper to fry up. Of course there was lots of other tasty food...homemade cookies, cakes, salads, salsa...yum yum yum! Enjoyed talking to everyone and sampling the food...I can't eat the hot I only had one mushroom and licked my fingers after I POSED with the two crayfish...haha. You can see from the photos some of the people's expressions saying " ooooohh that's hot!"
The best part of the afternoon for me was visiting with my brother David ( he lives two doors down from Chuck and Pat), my brother Paul came with a good friend from Winter Park...Moe(Maurice). Moe was a good friend of my sisters...Jenifer and Elizabeth when they were at UCF.
He has been at a few parties we've had...and last time I saw him was 2 years ago..when Jen was it was a pleasure to visit with him at a party!
Sunday I called to wish my niece Anna a Happy 18th birthday and Happy Anniversary (27 yrs) to Ellen and Erik. There is always a lot going on with them at the college (SUNY Cortland) this time of year so it was great to catch them at home! (later they attended a Lacrosse match...the Red Dragons are going to the finals! at Gillette Stadium!) That evening I called and caught up with Martha in Hawaii. We ran in to Mark and Lynn at Longdoggers at the end of the I saw or talked to the whole gang before the weekend was over...with two exceptions I DID talk to Megan...missed having her here,,,and Elizabeth was MIA. haha more than likely sitting on the sidelines of a field somewhere watching one of the kids play softball or lacrosse!
It was a great weekend after all.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like it was a blast!
    Is Brenna wearing two different shoes in one picture? haha
    I know Hazey-poo must miss her terribly! Hopefully they can be reunited soon. And then Kiena can have her tennis balls back!
