Monday, May 18, 2009


Here is the missing photo from the last post...I hit a button and the photo who knows where.....but I just downloaded it again....haha. (It's similar to when I was in Geometry time I had the right answer...but the teacher wrote...".I have no idea exactly HOW you solved this...but you did so you get 1/2 credit"....sometimes that's how I feel on the computer...I get there eventually...just maybe not the most direct route! Anne & Moe I am fairly new to this whole blogging thing...and am learning or not

as I go sometimes the spacing is off...or picture order isn't exactly how I envisioned it...but I'll get there. I did discover that when you click on the individual pictures they enlarge and sometimes you can really see the details a lot better...(.I can hear my kids laughing at me....) this is probably a basic thing...but I really don't spend that much time on the computer!

The other thing I need to clear up...haha is crayfish? or is it crawfish? The spell check corrected me when I put I changed it...when I looked it up in the Oxford American said crawfish-a whatever it is...Chuck and his brother were cooking them and we were posing with them eating them!!!!and a good time was had by all.

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