Friday, May 15, 2009

Bazooka Bubblegum

The gum story from the other day got me thinking about a funny story from when the girls were playing softball. (a long time ago......) John and Bob James were coaching the girls(8-10 year olds...I think) and they all had a lot of fun. One Saturday...John decided all the girls should have some bubblegum to them get in the game or something.....maybe it was one of the girls who came up with it...all I know is after a trip to the concession stand everyone on the team had a big piece of gum in her mouth! One girl on the team...Brittany L. was really more of a dancer...but decided she wanted to play ball that spring. Her mom was a little reluctant...but decided they would give it a go.( Her Mom was a character...always had some funny remark) Anyway...Randi arrived at the ballpark and noticed everyone chewing....and said"What are they all chewing on?" John assured her it was only gum....she laughed and said..."Okay that's good. I was going to have to draw the line if it was tobacco.....I had to be talked into this whole softball thing as it is!" We all got a good laugh. Brittany was actually a pretty good softball player...but in the long run ended up a dancer...and a good one too. As for the gum...the Bazooka worked it's magic and the team won the game.!

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