Sunday, May 24, 2009

Graduation Time

Several friends had kids graduating yesterday. In our BUNCO group, out of the 11 current players....8 had a SON graduating yesterday!Fortunately Mel High was able to give out all the diplomas and get a few quick speeches in before the rain came down.(*It's been a week of record rainfall...lots of thunder and lightning too) A photo in the FL Today showed graduates hopping over a big puddle on the way to the stage. Everyone was a little damp...but very happy. We went to celebrate with Brittany and her family( Mom and Dad,Aunts, Uncles,Cousins, Grandparents and Sisters )and Friends on Saturday...and the rain stayed away, which made for a nice, cooler than usual afternoon/evening.

Sunday it was time for Dillon's (and his friend...also Dillon) graduation party. The street was full of cars when I arrived (after the start)...lots of friends and his grandparents, Auntie, Uncle Ricky and cousins were all enjoying the food and fun. Caitlin made a nice video slide show for her brother...and a good time was had by all.

Dillon and Gayle at the end of the party

Naturally there was cake..(at both parties)....the best part! After all what's a

graduation party without sheet cake!

1 comment:

  1. I know how much you like a slice of publix cake!
