Saturday, May 23, 2009

Battle of the Big Mouths or Just Another Friday Night in Indialantic FL

Two weekends ago...John, Ron, Mark and Al all fished in the SISA tournament. They decided that in addition to the regular tournament they were going to have their own "Battle of the Big Mouths" Ron isn't that loud...but anyone can tell you John aka Boomer, Al and Mark can be!
The "rules" were that each crew had to have at least one female on board. Al had his girlfriend, Ron had Misty, John had Courtney (and Reid and Chandler) and Mark.........well there's a little discussion ongoing about whether or not Mark really won...since he did NOT have a female on board. They did get the biggest fish...and he gave the trophy to his fishing partner (and former boss) J.D. Well, there wasanother side bet was between Courtney and Al. (Courtney works part-time at Longdoggers)
Ron , Peyton, Chuck, Anne, John, Pat, Mike & Denise enjoying the fun
The deal was whoever caught the bigger fish got to make a t-shirt for the other one to wear. As you can see Courtney won the Al had to wear her shirt. Last night was the night. So we all had to gather together to watch the event! Mark made the sign for the side of the building...and John got the other two Longdoggers restaurants to put it up on their signs as well. (Not part of the bet...but Al was a good sport)
John Ron Mark


As usual since it was Friday night...there were many other regulars there. Shortly after we all arrived.....the next table was occupied by our good friends Brian & Maureen Hogg, son Kevin & his daughter Dakota, Stephanie & Clay and two of their girls. When Chuck and Pat left...Heather & Chris,Julia and Ellie we had a great time all evening. Lots of laughs. Everyone gave Mark (Lynn was there too) a hard time about the win...especially Al! They are already working on setting up the next the trophy can go to the next winner.( In the meantime...J.D. was tickled to get the trophy and he doesn't know about the controversy )

Sign facing A-1-A

Courtney presenting the shirt to AL

BY the way...none of these guys won anything in the actual tournament...John had engine problems (at 30 miles out)(it all worked out...but put a damper on the whole fishing trip!)
Mark was one of the first boats he was on the board for a shortvery shorttime.The story is theyJ.D. dropped their fish into the silt at the weigh-in spot Mark had to jump in and wade around in knee deep muck....finally two guys jumped in the water and one of them managed to retrieve the fish!Al had one problem after another with his inexperienced crew...including a hook through his finger and Ron and Misty, while trouble free... just didn't get any big fish. Every boat caught fish...just not winners. **However...our niece's husband Duane...won the king fish category! So we knew a winner!**

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