Thursday, May 28, 2009

What do you do.......

What do you do...when you have too much fish? Like we have had in the last month or so.
what you do is this:
Have lots of cookouts with your firends.( This is fun because usually it's just the two of extra people add to the fun.)
Give it to your family members
Give it to friends
Give it to neighbors
Bring it to LongDoggers and have them cook it up...for you, for the cooks for the staff. And ENJOY it.
Take it right from the cleaning table and fry it up...for FRESH FRESH dolphin (mahi) fingers...Yummy!
Take the soy sauce and wasabi right to the cleaning table and have some Sushi!
And if you do's what happens......................................................................
Neighbors invite you to their cookouts
They bring you freshly baked pumpkin pie! :)
You get fresh snapper and grouper, etc from Tom
You get fresh lobster tails from Mike and Denise..
You get to go eat Mahi Parmigiana at Ron's house ,with his neighbors that are enjoying his fish
And you're thankful and just enjoy all this good fish...and that fact that your husband, brother, daughter, wife, friend whoever is having so much fun catching all the fish in the first place!

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