Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Thursday was the last Storytime of the year...until we start our Summer we had to have a little party. My mother always did something special for us on the last day of school (when we were little anyway),,,maybe it was just a special an ice cream bar or something out of the ordinary.( The usual treat being a cookie...the kind that come in a pack of about 100 for $1.00... you know....the inexpensive ones...but least we had cookies!) The point is...she would make it feel like a special day...just by doing a little extra something. So in the tradition...I can't let a holiday or special day go by without recognizing it in some way. For the kiddies it usually means some little treats and what could be more fun then having bowls full of little marshmallows, goldfish, teddy grahams and gummi snacks to pass around and being able to help yourself! The kids love it. I try not to go crazy...haha . I keep the snacks reasonable and I always warn the parents at the case anyone wants to duck out before the treats come far no one ever has left.The kids love being able to choose what they want and spooning out a bit of each treat.

We had these stories to go with our snacks:

Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion (I love Harry!)

How Will We Get to the Beach by Brigitte Luciani (cute book the kids love it)

All You Need for a Beach by Alice Schertle

and Cosmo Zooms by Arthur Howard (this is a really cute story about a dog and a is always a hit!)

(For years I've been using my Hap Palmer songs with the kids...first the record...then the the's fun. when I don't do it...they ask for it! I also use Raffi a lot!)

And we had to have our song to move around to...and it was my old favorite Hap Palmer-Easy Does It...the Beanbag Song .

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