Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Okay...do yourself a favor...or rather do everyone around you a favor....if you chew gum...don't smack it! or crack it...and chew with your mouth closed! Yesterday I had a young boy (with his Mom and sister) in the library. He wasn't making any noise as far as talking goes...but I had to listen to him smacking on his gum for a half an hour! Aggggh! I was about 10 feet away from him...but loud and clear "smaaaack"every few seconds....if I could hear him surely his mother could hear him. He just smiled and chomped away.( I was so glad to see them leave!) Then I had the lady cracking her gum...she was in the next room over....it was like Chinese Water Torture...only instead of the periodic drip...it was the periodic "Crack" or "snap" or "Chomp" and "smack". Now I've been around my share of gum chewers in my day.........I was in the College of Physical Education, Health and Recreation at UF...and there were plenty of gum chewers in the mix...sometimes I just had to get my own gum and chomp along with everyone else...you know...if you can't beat them...join them. Seriously...try concentrating on a test when everyone around you is chewing gum...it can drive you insane...unless you just get your own gum and listen to yourself chew! hahaha I do remember times when my mother would be trying to give up smoking (rare times) (maybe she was pregnant) anyway...if you gave Doris a piece of gum..it was all over....she would crack the gum all day long. I will never forget my Dad coming home one time...he looked at me and who ever else was in the room (a few of us) and asked "Okay, who has gum?" we all looked at him and started to reply...then he finished up by saying "If you do don't give any to Mom...she's driving me crazy!" HAHAHA! I don't remember my dad getting annoyed very easily...but the gum cracking was slowly driving him crazy...just like it still does to me when I hear it. So like I said do everyone a favor...chew with your mouth closed!:) Have a great day!

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