Monday, October 16, 2017

You know it's time

When your notes are on the computer desk for so long that someone else John throws them away thinking them must be trash....hahahaha that's when you know it's time to write a post already! hahaha I have had the photos marked and thoughts in mind...but just haven't gotten motivated to actually write a post...until today. No real reason, been a little busy, but there have been plenty of opportunities to write.
I guess the fact that we've been through a few big storms and two trips since our cruise is sort of an excuse...............................
At any rate, we had a nice trip to Alaska in July and I am glad we got to go. In spite of what some people seem to think ... our climate IS changing and and though it might be subtle, it's real.
The glaciers aren't melting away completely, but there are changes if you look. We went in summer, so we didn't expect temperatures to be super cold, and they weren't. They were very nice. We had mostly clear days and only a bit of rain and when you're on vacation, that's always a good thing!
We started in Seattle, Washington. as I mentioned in the last post, I loved visiting Seattle.

 It was a fun place to explore, especially with people who are adventurous and always ready for anything. (sometimes I need that!)

I enjoyed all the places we visited on the cruise, but I can't say that I was amazed or anything. We didn't venture too far out of the ports, so our sight seeing was limited. It was interesting, it was pretty, but I I didn't leave thinking I HAVE got to go back!
We left Seattle and headed north towards Ketchikan. we basically had a part of a day in each port; enough time to have a look around and maybe venture out on a tour. None of us were interested in rushing to hop on a bus and shuttling out to anything in particular, so we walked around town

. The guys did head out to go offshore fishing. The captain enjoyed having 4 guys who obviously knew what they were doing, they liked having the boat to themselves...AND (most importantly) they caught fish...a win-win all around. They had the Halibut and other fish packed and shipped to our house in Indialantic. as a matter of fact we just cooked most of it up when Martha and Tony were in town two weekends ago. Everyone here enjoyed the fish. We had a great time eating, drinking and telling stories with Paul, Tracy, Mark, David, Brenna, Josh, Martha, Tony and  Bridget...especially since it RAINED almost the whole day we had the cookout. Too bad Ian and Wim, etc couldn't be here too. The guys enjoyed the fishing trip...they have fished together here and there over the years (FL, NC, HI, Mexico) so now Alaska is added to the list. They really enjoyed the captain and the scenery and the weather cooperated.
The ship was nice. We had great rooms, all kind of close to one another. Martha and Tony had a suite at the back of the ship, we were on one side, Ian was on the we had nice views no matter where were going! Our "headquarters" were definitely the Smith's room....since they had a great roomy balcony where all 7 of us could easily relax comfortably. We met up there every time we had free time.

On the second day when we went into the Tracy Arm Fjord their room was perfect. I think Tony ordered one of everything off the room service menu (at least) and we all just sat in there and ate, drank coffee and enjoyed the lovely scenery. It was a beautiful we got lots of pictures!

Going through the inside passage was probably my favorite part of the cruise itinerary. It was very quiet and peaceful back there. Just our ship and a small sight seeing boat following along. (it picked up folks from our ship and took them further in towards the glacier. I bet that was a trip worth taking!) we had a guest scientist/biologist on board and she narrated the trip as we went along. It was a beutiful day and we enjoyed relaxing on the balcony at the back of the ship and taking it all in. (while we ate all the breakfast food!!!!!)

 I don't know what the room steward thought at first...but they a good tippers...and very appreciative of all he he didn't seem to mind what we asked for...we got it. :) He might have had a little more clean up than usual...but we aren't slobs and again...he was compensated well for any and all that he did. we might all be a little crazy...hahaha, but we're normal!!!!
We tried the Curtis Stone restaurant one night
 and the steakhouse another. Both were good. They didn't seem to be as crowded as they were last year. Most likely because On our cruise last year there were mostly people close to our age on board...I think there might have been about 10 kids total. That was in September. Because we went in July this year, prime time for summer vacation, there were a LOT more families on board. Kids would not necessarily appreciate the "gourmet" food. Lots of reunions with all the generations together. Kids running around all over the place and having a wonderful time. Reminded me of trips we have taken when our girls were younger and how much fun they had. We laughed because there were some kids in the pool at all times. It was not super cold...but it was chilly and windy on some days...but the kids did not care...the pool was open and they were in it! We're walking by in sweaters, etc...and the kids were splashing away for hours on end. :)

In most of the ports Martha, Maris and I went out walking around. we really lucked out weather -wise, never had a rainy day in port.

John, Martha, Maris and I went on a Whale Watching tour in Juneau. We went on a small boat with only three other people, a family from Houston. We passed other boats with 40 or so people crammed on...all trying to look out to see the whales...enough weight to make the whole boat lean...and we were sooo glad we chose the one we did. Our captain was definitely knowledgeable and we had a good time...but that guy could TALK!!!!!nhahahahah I'll leave it at that...hahahahahaha
Enjoyed heading out( on the very calm waters) to check out the spots where whales had been recently seen. It was pretty. I loved hearing the whales blow...then spotting them. That was cool...someone would hear the sound and then we'd all start looking around.
Other interesting sights were the totem poles of course,

 the salmon, which we did not see where we expected, in Ketchikan, but we did see in Skagway. I enjoyed the local arts and crafts. The greenery and flowers  in all the ports were pretty. Also enjoyed watching all the sea planes landing and taking off on their sight-seeing tours. That's the only way in and out in some of those ports....other than boats of course...and that was certainly different.
On our last cruise and this one, I often wondered how the locals feel about the cruise industry.

 Of course the constant influx of tourists brings in a lot of money....but I wonder if I'd like it if I lived there.? I don't know. It helps the economy, but the constant crowds coming and going would get to me I think. The beauty that attracts the also compromised by them I think. I don't have the answer.
*we didn't ask if they were actual reindeer dogs or if the name of the place was Reindeer Dogs...hahahaha
I'll save photos from the whale watching trips for the next post..Until then...................

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