Saturday, September 16, 2017

Fun night in Seattle

We had a great condo in Seattle that slept 10. It was great since we had a couple of Tony's sisters and their husbands, Martha and Tony, John and I, and Ian. Brenna and Josh decided to fly out for a few days while we were going to be in Seattle; so they joined us too. We enjoyed celebrating Tony's retirement on Friday night.

 We got some fresh fish and meat and vegetables at the market. Wim made a great salad and the guys cooked up some chicken and fish and lots of good vegetables. It was great. The sunset was nice and we got some good photos of the sunset reflected on the mountain. I was glancing at the tour book and noticed a small bit about some of the art around town in Seattle. One project several years back involved decorative manhole covers. I noticed a special one several years ago in Winter Park

 Florida...and ever since then I have had fun looking around for more in towns that I visit.
(If not decorative...I like to find one with the name of the town on it.) Well...OF COURSE this info in the tour book got me excited...and I was ready to go looking for some of the 15 or so designs! John was skeptical...hahahaha but Maris, Judy and Josh all agreed to go with me before it got dark. We felt like we were on a scavenger hunt. It was fun and we managed to locate a few good ones. Not all of the ones we found were part of the project I had read about...but there was lots of variety! We also passed a parade in the local park

 (down by the Space Needle) and had enough time to pop in to the glass museum for a few minutes

.It was about to close and I didn't want to hang around long enough to hold up the process of closing (I know what it's like to have to encourage people out the door )....but if I go back it definitely looked like it was worth a longer visit.
Here's what we found around town...
We found this one first and then I got really excited......I had them all speed walking around looking for more...hahaha

design in the sidewalk
one from the tour book
one of my favorites

                            And here is some other art around town....that we happened upon

decorative signpost by the water

fun light fixture
women's restroom
                                                     and a fun sign spotted around town......

I had fun...and I didn't crash into anyone while I was looking down instead watching where I was going. :) Can't wait to return some day and see what else the city has to offer

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