Sunday, July 3, 2016

TN weekend

The reason we were in Nashville was we were attending a wedding on Saturday, May 28th. Brenna left after breakfast for a day full of preparations. As i posted last time John, Josh and I spent part of the afternoon downtown...which had definitely come to life during the 3 hour break we took. It was packed every where we we didn't hang around for too long.  Rain had been in the forecast and we were just happy that the skies stayed clear the whole time we were there.
We got ready for the evening and headed out to the venue The East Ivy Mansion.
It was a lovely old "mansion".

 Some of the bridal party actually stayed there. The wedding was outside next to the gardens and the fountains. Dinner was set up on the patio area.

 Dancing, cake, cigars were in a part of the house and by the pool.

 Because of the possible rain....tents were set up. Even though there wasn't any rain....we all agreed that the tents kind of "dressed" the place up...they really did look nice.

Bridesmaids were gathering and getting ready for the ceremony.

 They had the kind of dresses that you can shape and tie to suit each individual they were all  the same...but slightly different. They looked nice and actually probably could be worn again....because of all the ways you can style it.
The ceremony was nice; Kristian's friend who officiated gave a heartfelt "speech" , I think everyone enjoyed it.
As usual...following the actual wedding ceremony, there were cocktails and then dinner. Then it was time for celebrating!!!!

I'm like one of the kids when it comes to the cake...hahaha who cares about the dinner (which was good) I'm just saying.... I'm more interested in the dessert! They had an assortment of cupcakes. Yum yum.
We had fun dancing...the DJ had a list of requests from all the guests...and he did a great job of keeping things going without the cheesy games and announcements that DJ's sometimes resort to. I know, I know...that's their job...but sometime they're just obnoxious!
Actually John, Brenna and I were among the first of the other bridesmaids said "If I ever have a big party I'm inviting you guys!!" hahaha We were sort of like "motivational dancers" that people hire...hahahaha 
"That's the look, that's the look, that's the look of love!"- ABC  :)

The grooms family told John we have an open invitation to come tailgate down in Baton Rouge anytime...hahaha What can I say...we just like to have fun. The bridesmaids all had a good time dancing...and a few hours in the DJ was asked to stay an extra hour...(just like at Megan and Marcus's wedding). By then the rest of the group was loosened up and starting to get in on the dancing...also the tempo of the music changed to what the "kids" liked...more rap...less of what I know and we decided to duck out. ( also....we weren't drinking hahaha)
The Bride and Groom both had fun...which to me is one of  the most important things at a wedding. You spend months and months's a shame when people are so caught up in the arrangements that they don't/can't even relax and enjoy the celebration!!
Glad we went to join in the celebration. 
                            The next day.....we were off to Knoxville to visit family.

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