Monday, July 11, 2016

On to Knoxville

After a couple of nights in Nashville and the wedding....John and I were off to Knoxville to visit family.We got up fairly early on Sunday and headed the traffic was pretty light and the drive wasn't too stressful.
First stop Pigeon Forge.
We hadn't been up to TN in about 8 years. We have seen John's sister and her husband many times over the years, and we saw our nephew Chase two years ago at Thanksgiving (in Alabama), but we had not seen our other nephew since his wedding! We looked forward to meeting our great-nieces and seeing him and his wife again after all those years.
We first started going up to Pigeon Forge back in the 70's....and naturally things have changed over the years. Back during the 70's there was one two (maybe 4) lane road through town...and really NOTHING on it. Just a nice little country town on the way to Gatlinburg. Well now it's jam packed with attractions, restaurants, go-carts, outlet thing after another. Not my favorite thing to see. Progress is inevitable...but I'm glad I saw it back when it was unspoiled.
 Walking down the Riverwalk path we had to check out Margaritaville.

this one's for Megan hahaha

actually it was only around 10:00am-we didn't stop in

It was interesting...all fairly new, nice and clean...and once upon a time Megan would have gotten a kick out of staying there...hahaha but we didn't hang around for too long.
I did like the way the walkway followed the river...and there was a natural barrier between where the path was and the main road through you could enjoy the nice trees, the river, etc. and not have to deal with the noise and commotion just on the other side of the river.
We headed over for an afternoon in Knoxville.
John's sister and brother-in-law bought a few acres several years ago and they have been slowly working on restoring the house that was on the property. Last year the other part of the property (originally all owned by one family) became available and our nephew bought it. Ken and Sandy were thrilled to now have all 7-8 acres in the family...and the original owners were happy knowing it was all one piece things worked out well for everyone.
It is a beautiful spot.
The creek divides the two parts of the property. This is the view from the front yard of one house.
It was a beautiful day in late May...just a little warm mid day...otherwise lovely.
Of course we had to gather the group and get a picture on the bridge. John set the timer...but didn't quite make it into the picture as planned...hahaha

We spent the afternoon relaxing and checking out the property. It was fun watching the little girls playing in the creek.

View from the creek looking back at the on the right side...the other off to the left side
one house
the other
This house was built in the 40's (I think) and my nephew and his wife are fixing it up, updating it, etc. It's a work in progress...but it's really coming along.
New white cabinets and paint...lighten things up. They took out one wall between the kitchen and small dining made the room much brighter and roomy. They are still getting it all together...but it looks great.
The second day in town we got ready for a Memorial Day picnic/party. We headed back over to the house. My nephew gave us a tour of the property and the neighborhood around the's the river out back.

summertime green!
The party was a lot of fun. We enjoyed talking to family and meeting some of their good friends and meeting some of the in-laws's is that a word???family members. It was a nice afternoon, lots of good food and just a nice relaxing, fun day.
Our last day in Pigeon Forge, we walked around a bit down at the end of my sister-in-law's street. Over the years many little shops have come and house holds more than one item from some of those shops...hahahah  missed not having them to stop into...but we did poke around a bit in the stores currently down by the Old Mill. It all started to feel a bit like Disney World....every store seemed to have variations of the same theme....oh well...they have what people want to buy I guess.
And this restaurant was definitely worth the visit!!!!!
Every thing was tasty and it was just a short walk from where we were staying. I'll be stopping back there!
Well...our visit to Tennessee was a good one. We enjoyed seeing some new places and celebrating at the wedding. We got to enjoy some mild temperatures for an extra things were rapidly heating up down in Florida. We loved meeting our great nieces and getting to know my nephew's wife and some of her family. It was interesting to see how things have changed and been built up over the years since we were last there...and always good to have "locals' to show us all the side streets and back roads to get around the congestion.When we left town to head to the Knoxville airport...we enjoyed the scenery, since traffic was light on a mid morning Monday in early June. :)
Flying out of Knoxville is great...just a bit busier and bigger than our airport in Melbourne...GREAT!!!! We'll definitely be back up there....we'll try not to wait 8 years.

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