Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Saturday fun in Maui

Saturday morning (1/10/15) Martha and I were signed up to participate in the HOPE ON WHEELS 5K. Martha and I, her staff and their therapy Tucker comprised our "team".
 It was a beautiful day...a little cool first thing, but it warmed up fast. Perfect day for running/walking.
None of us set out to break any records...we were just enjoying the day and taking our time.

 When the race was over there was music, refreshments and an award ceremony. Then it was time for the check presentation.  The last few years Hyundai has given the hospital a check for $75,000.00.
Martha accepted the check and gave a short speech.
The representative from Hyundai

was very proud of the fact that the company has donated over $100,000.00 to research for childhood cancer.

After we finished up and said goodbye, we headed back to our hotel.
          There was a walkway all along the back of the properties...along the beach.

We took it easy and then headed over to check out the golf tournament. John and Tony had gone earlier. When they got there...John took a test drive in one of the Hyundais. I guess they had a camera on him, recording his comments, etc. Maybe he'll be in a commercial back in Korea.The funny thing is he told Tony, who was walking ahead of him, that he was going for a test drive, but Tony didn't hear while John was out driving around, Tony was trying to figure out where the heck he went.hahah When Martha and I got there...we also got to ride in one of the courtesy cars...and then Martha got behind the wheel. Both she and John agreed that the luxury car was pretty nice.
walking down one of the hills
In the distance...where they teed off....
then they rode in a courtesy car up the hill to the green here
We found a spot near the  9th hole and watched a few groups of golfers play through. It wasn't super crowded and it was interesting to watch the fans, the golfers, the volunteers, etc. We had a nice spot in the shade. We watched for a while and then we walked back down the hill to the  18th hole.
There was a merchandise tent of course...we stopped by, but I didn't get anything. There was also an area where you could be videoed swinging a golf club...a few minutes later you got a little flip book
It was made to look like the camera crew was there, the volunteer telling the crowd to be quiet...hahah it was kind of fun. You could also opt to send it to your email...which all made me feel a little old....just to realize what technology we have and what you can do with it...even just for fun.
(there wasn't really any way to copy it well...)
                         We had a nice dinner back at the hotel and enjoyed the sunset.

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