Sunday, February 8, 2015

Livin' Large

The condo we were staying in with Martha and Tony was quite nice. We had a huge room/bathroom as well as a full kitchen and sitting room. We opened the connecting doors so that both our rooms combined. Martha and Tony somehow wound up with the smaller unit...I guess during our rush to get in and get changed on Friday night we just went one way they went the other. I did ask if they wanted to switch...but Martha said there was no need. They also had a sitting area and smaller kitchen area. It didn't really matter since we were all together anyway.
Sunday morning we all slept in (well...Tony got up and went for a long run...the rest of us slept in a little). Martha had decided we needed to get the bathrobes that they provide with the rooms(...she had requested them on Saturday) so we got up, made coffee and lounged out on the lanai with the robes and our coffee while we watched the sunrise.
I definitely felt like I was living large...hahah relaxing at a luxury resort, in my robe with my coffee, and of course my was fun. Certainly not something I do regularly!
Maui feels more relaxed than Oahu....more "country" than city feel. Of course we didn't go very far from our I can't swear to this...but in general it's smaller, and less hectic. I can see why people enjoy living there.
Tony has two sisters that live on Maui, and we enjoyed a cookout with the whole gang on Sunday evening. We hadn't seen Judy and Tom since our last trip to Maui in 1987! so that was great. we have see Maris, Wim, Nic and Maris here and there over the years, but it was fun to be with the whole family all together. It was great to see Maris and Wim, especially since they had just gotten back from a trip to Europe...but they still made the trip over to our part of the island for the cookout.
The resort had grills on site...and we had plenty of room in our "suites" to accommodate everyone. Perfect!
We got to test out the timer application on my new camera....and even though every one was giving me a little grief over this...the pictures turned out great! hahaha

good times with the "in-law in-laws" as we like to call them
After a fun evening the gang headed home and we packed up for our trip back to Oahu on Monday morning. That night we watched the stars for a while and then called it a night. It was a great to be VIPs with Martha and Tony for our weekend in Maui.

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