Saturday, July 5, 2014

Finally a flower!

A friend gave me this Plumeria plant a couple of years ago....with the promise about how easy they are to grow. Okay...I am not exactly known for my green thumb, my plants are alive...but I wouldn't say they are thriving...hahah. Frankly...I'm happy when I keep them alive. And.... when I manage to get them to bloom...I love it! I see these plants  all over town and they all seem to be covered with flowers this time of I always wondered what I needed to do to make MINE bloom. I moved mine out off the porch so the butterflies could help it along...and I don't know if it was the extra fertilizer I gave it...or the butterflies...or both...but I finally got some flowers!
I get so excited every morning when I go out to check the progress. It's slower than other plants I have....but that's ok...hahah
petals are pretty from the back side too

Speaking of progress...John is doing well after his shoulder surgery Tuesday, July 1st. He has been hurting for a while...but lived with it until recently when anytime he worked he was in real pain afterwards. When it gets to the point that you can't do the things you enjoy (fish, surf, SLEEP) or the things you have to do...WORK! it's time to get it repaired. Fortunately a friend of ours is an orthopaedic
surgeon who's specialty is hands/shoulders. John's done work for Carlos (& Kiele), our kids are the same age, we used to car pool with them, etc...and John and Carlos are two of a kind when it comes to competitive sports; and the wear and tear that comes with them!
Once the Dr got in to the surgery...he found a little more than the MRI had shown. A rotator cuff tear, bicep tear, labrum tear and two bone spurs. (No wonder it was hurting him so much!) the healing begins. No lifting, or anything for at least 6 weeks. Then therapy starts. Right now...just table slides and keeping it in a sling. John wasn't crazy about the nerve block...kind of freaked him out a little having no feeling in that arm/hand.
one day after surgery...checking on job he's been working on...backsplash was one of the last things he did before surgery
When it wore off...he commented..."I remember this pain (had shoulder done once before...not as extensive). He was reluctant to take percoset...doesn't like the way it makes him feel...but did end up taking it the first two days. Now...he's trying his best to use other pain medication...not quite as strong...and so far it seems to be working out okay. Sleep has been hard to come by...first night he had to stay elevated...and even now, if he doesn't get situated just's not comfortable. Last night I heard noise...checked the clock...3:30 am or I knew he wasn't sleeping too well...hahah Then I smelled the coffee...definitely not a good sign. He had some coffee...watched tv, got a new ice pack...and dozed off a little...but woke up again around 5am. He ran some errands (I went to work). When he got home...he went in to lie down and he was out! He was sooooo happy to get some real sleep for a couple of hours. Got up...then fell back asleep until I got home just after 2:30pm. So...he is feeling a lot better this evening. Slooooowly getting back to (kind of ) normal.

The weather has been kind of rainy...usually we start off clear and thunderstorms start late afternoon. The first two days after was cloudy and rainy off and on...perfect weather for staying inside and taking it easy.
So far so good for John...we'll update as time moves on.

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