Saturday, June 21, 2014

Time for some random observations...

 Summer programs have been going well so far...I have had a larger than average group every week...and we've been having fun. This past week we had stories about.....
DINOSAURS...and then some of the kids posed for me afterwards in their newly created masks. They were having a good time with those masks...there was lots of roaring going on.
We've also had great turnout for our afternoon programs. The first week we had over 100...second just a little smaller crowd...and last week we had every one's favorite "Jiggleman" so the room was packed.
Jiggleman tossing rings onto his "assistant"

Now...for my random observations....
Some of our parents make me scratch my head and wonder what they are thinking????
We have one mom who attends my Story time and also Toddler Time with Dianne. However...she is foreign and while she speaks English (probably better than some Americans...sad to say) I'm not sure if her two children do. I haven't ever heard them speak...and they don't seem to understand me when I ask them to sit down so everyone can see, scoot back, etc. Little girl (still not sure what her name is) appears to be 3 1/2-4 yrs old. Usually they come in (late) and she walks right up to the front of the room and stares at me...while I'm trying to read to the rest of the group. (here's where it would be great if Mom would call her back to sit down...unfortunately she's usually wrestling with her son( 2- 1/2 ? )When he doesn't get his way he pitches a fit...screams, kicks etc....which makes for an interesting time trying to keep everyone Else's attention. I have asked her to please take him out if he gets restless and then try far the only thing she has done is come at least when they come they don't disrupt the entire program...but she  really wants them to do the crafts we have prepared. (usually they come in and kids immediately head to the table and start grabbing things...) I understand she wants to participate, and I appreciate her tenacity...but it is frustrating for the rest of us! I am working out a new speech in my head for next time she comes...don't want to be mean...but come on! She tends to hang around for quite a while afterwards her son has managed to annoy many of our patrons too. Don't get me wrong...our library is not QUIET by any means...but there are limits!
I think the mothers are used to a certain level of noise at home and they all sit down and chat and forget/don't realize how noisy their kids are getting. When they over stay their welcome...hahah the kids start running around and after one or more of the staff ask them to keep it down the moms are surprised. Huh? Oh they are too noisy???'s crazy sometimes.
Next gripe...we ask parent to pre-register for some of our programs. some are very good about it...but it NEVER fails...the day of a craft program the phone is ringing off the hook 30-60 minutes before start time with people wanting to PRE register. Dianne usually lets them come...but every once in a while there are some very disappointed kids  who are left out because no one called ahead to sign up. Certain projects require specific materials. we also have a large number of pre schoolers who are the Moms tell us "my child is very bright"....hahahah I am tempted to say "Oh another genius!"hahaha  You know...craft is for 1st grade and up...but "my 4 yr old is very bright". I'm sure she/he is...but I hope you will be able to help him/her because he/she might get frustrated trying to do this craft; which is intended for older children. On the other hand...we try to plan programs for teens (at boss's suggestion...we have learned in 12 yrs...teens in our area just don't seem interested) and guess who tries to sigh up...younger kids (they're very bright) or retirees...hahah just who teens want to spend their summer afternoons with! hahahah (that's a bad sentence...but you know what I mean)
 Lastly...I know the parentsmostly moms don't want to miss out on any of the fun...but sometimes the kids just really aren't interested. Mom might be really excited about the magician, puppets, performer,_________ but the little ones maybe not so much. Last week the room was packed full of people...all ages from grandparents to babies and that can be intimidating for shy children. Some parents know their kids well enough to figure this out...but it's hard to see parents insisting that the kids will have
fun, when the kids clearly are not! We had a few little ones crying at was too loud and there were  too many people...not because he was doing anything scary. Only one left...the others stayed...and while the little ones calmed down...they weren't really enjoying  themselves. It's like waiting in line at Disney World or some other park...I HATE when people take kids on roller coasters when they REALLY, REALLY don't want to go. I have been tempted to volunteer to sit out the ride with the kid...but since I am a complete stranger...I'm not sure that would help...hahah.  I must admit we did talk Meredith (I think) into going on Thunder Mountain Railroad once...she was scared...but I assured her I don't really like roller coasters...but that one wasn't too scary...She went on it...she cried...I (we all) felt badly...but we did get extra fast passes out of the deal. Park employee saw her tears and made sure we had passes to go on something else that we knew she would like. That helped. And it's true...that's about the only roller coaster I can handle any's not that they make me sick...and I'm not sure scared is the right word...I think they just make me anxious and it's not a fun feeling! WHY GO ON IT...I have nothing to prove to anyone!
(like black diamond slopes when we ski...I might get down it...but it sure won't be fun!...and it will take a lot longer than it would if you know what you are doing!)

 So, as you can tell, we have a lot of fun, but sometimes it's a little frustrating! But I do love working with the kids...moms and all.   :)

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