Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I wish you a Merry Christmas

I can't believe Christmas is here! I still remember as a kid being so excited on Christmas Eve...waiting for Santa to come. We lay in bed listening...sure we could hear noises on the roof. ( or hear my mom and dad in the living room with the lights off...setting up the gifts around the tree. My dad would be testing out thetrains, toys, talking dolls (remember Nancy Nurse?-  "uggh uggh...I have a cough" )(I remember waking up to that sound one year...then heard my mom tell my dad to be quiet...he was going to wake someone up. haha)
When we lived in Pittsburgh...(up until my 11th birthday)My mom usually made our big dinner on Christmas Eve...figuring Christmas Day we'd all be too busy with our new toys, etc. I still wonder how she managed...getting it all together. At that time there were seven of us 14 and under...................................
In our neighborhood we had a tradition where one of the neighborhood men would dress up as Santa and if you were interested...he'd pay a visit on Christmas Eve. Parents would leave a little bag of (in our case anyway) small gifts outside near the front door. "Santa" would come around and ring the doorbell...say Hello and distribute the gifts and tell us to be good and make sure to get to bed so he could come back later. At least...that's kind of how I remember it. It was fun!
you have to Believe!
The year we moved to Florida the day after Christmas (my poor mother...haha!) he brought us suntan lotion. We each got one gift to open that year...I got a two-piece bathing suit! I was thrilled!
    We left Pittsburgh in a snowstorm...arrived in Melbourne, Florida and we thought it was summer!
                              At least my mom had one thing to be happy about...hahah
No more snow! No need for the ice skates I got on my 10th birthday...
I love getting Christmas cards...and annual Christmas pictures!
The best thing about the holidays is getting out all the decorations...love the memories when you unpack all the old familiar ornaments and Nativity sets
like this one from Megan and Marcus's wedding in May!
It's been a good year for us. Some sad times...but lots of happy celebrations this year! That's all you                  can  ask  for.........Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

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