Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas Eve we had a little dinner party. John and I, Brenna, Josh, Mark, Paul and Tracy ate some of the wahoo John, Reid and Chandler caught the day before. We had some seared and John rolled us some sushi.
Haze came over to see us...Brenna sent this picture to Megan
              We all had plenty to eat and just enjoyed a little time together. Later John took a short nap while Brenna, Josh and I drove up to Satellite Beach to see the lights on Verbena Court.  When I got back I took a little break before John and I went to Holy Name for their midnight Mass.
Christmas morning Brenna and Josh came over to open gifts with us. Megan sent them a certificate for a 2hr kayak tour. Cool! Then we all headed down to Vero Beach for the the Christmas Buffet at Disney's Vero Beach resort.
This is the 4th year we've gone. It's a nice ride down to far it's been great weather every year...and they have a nice buffet. We took Josh on a little "tour" of the place.
This year there were a lot of people
 heading to the pool and the beach. The smell of suntan lotion was in the air!
 We took a picture of the blue sky and sent it to the Weather Channel...don't know if they showed it. Brenna tweeted it....from her new account.
wispy clouds
Brenna and Josh 
We walked around inside and then out around the pool and then up to the Green Cabin Room to see the view from the deck up there.
it was breezy!
After we walked around for a few minutes we went back in and stopped by for the customary shot with Goofy.
It was a nice drive home...we all relaxed; and while everyone else took a nap...I started getting things together for dinner later on that night. We had invited Mark, Paul, Tracy and David over for a light dinner. At one point we thought no one was going to make it...and I had  A LOT of I was a little nervous...but as it turns out Paul and Tracy and her son Carl  came, so did Mark, Brenna and Josh...and we all managed to put a pretty good dent in the roast beef, roasted potatoes, sweet potato pudding, fruit, etc. Another relaxing day and night. Turned out to be a nice get together.....too bad the rest of the gang wasn't here too.

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