Sunday, November 3, 2013

Air Show at the beach

we were lucky to have an Air Show going on right down the road from us this past weekend. Got to watch the practice runs on Friday and the show Saturday.

It was amazing how close they flew together...
there were 5-6 of these jets...they were the highlight of the show. They would fly down with  so close to the water and the seemed like people in the water could use a fishing pole and touch them.

which actually made me wonder why anyone in their right mind would be IN the water right under where the jets were...because anything can happen...thankfully nothing did
Right about the time the air show was set to start these dark clouds were moving in from the north and west
a cold front was moving through...believe it or not we never got one drop of rain...just some wind. The wind gusts were not enough to stop the that all worked out
within about 1/2-1 hour the front went through. The sun came back out and the temperature (according to Heather's phone) had gone down from 83 to 74!
meanwhile the shoe went on. I had a hard time taking pictures...trying to time it right...haha Took one video...but the planes flew in and out rather quickly...then you can hear them but all I got was blue skies...haha
back plane looping in and out and around the front one
two of the five...they all went up , then split off - pretty cool
Near the end after the front passed....can you see the jets way back there?   It was fun how they fly out of sight then all of the sudden you'd here them and they would come back in from behind, above, whatever
Meanwhile we had a cosy little set up on the beach watching it all. It was a fun day. As air shows go...I have nothing to compare it to, but I thought the fact that it was all private citizens performing and putting on the show they did a good job. The traffic on A1A was handled well by the local police  (Melbourne) and County Sheriff's dept. For as many cars and people that were around...things moved well. I didn't have to worry about parking...just rode my bike up to our friend's house and walked down to the beach with them.
Some people said it wasn't the best one they've ever seen...but it was great to see that many people out at the beach enjoying the afternoon. The whole length of the beach was full of people. Riding the bike home I passed groups of people at the local bars/restaurants, etc...all seeing to be enjoying the activities. There was a fun party-like atmosphere every where you went around town. I thought it was great.

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