Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Party fun

I love this even though it is totally unrelated to the post...I decided to put it in any way. haha
We went to a fun Halloween Party last Saturday night.
Our friend John invited us to the party at his girlfriend's house. He told us they had been planning and decorating for days.  We weren't sure at first, but I figured someone was having a party and made a point to invite us...we ought to at least make an appearance. (and besides I had a costume all ready to go...haha) turns out the party included 12- 3rd and 4th graders, about 25-30 teens and 25 or so adults. And believe it or not it was a great mix.
As we walked up we saw the decorated front yard and porch. Then we saw the "zombie" girl on the swing in the garage. Ok...pretty impressive decorations.
table in the dining area...with transformed mantle. All with appropriate dim lights, candles and black lights around the room
table in the garage
our friend John
John and John
lots of good food...sausage and peppers, deviled eggs, were two favorites...
We had the Tuxedo t-shirt from John's 50th Birthday party. Added the pants, shoes and belt to complete the look. I picked up the "Gangster Hat" and fake cigar at the Halloween party/costume store; but figured I could find a cheaper gun at the Dollar Store. I found this "combat gun" for $ even made noise..haha At the beginning of the night John kept it. Next it went to one of the girls
She kept it awhile then I saw "The Vampire Hunter" with it. Next a little Rapunzel had it...last time I saw it a Teenage Jack-o-Lantern was going out the door with it. That $5.00 gun was a hit!
even the bathroom was decorated!
waiting to hear who won the costume contest (that "cheeleader" in background...was crazy! hahah)
There was a costume contest. I was a judge with another woman. Tammy picked me because she figured I didn't know any of the others well enough to play favorites. The winners in the girls category were the Sailor Girl, a Zombie Bride and and Frozen Girl (?). The girls were all good sports and happy for the winners.
We also judged the teens...our winners included a Ladybug, a Witch and a a kid in a green sports coat with various shapes on it "Lucky Charms" guy. Pretty clever...and a fun kid.

winners!The teens were the judges for the adults...John and I got a ribbon
Even the backyard was decorated....with this blow up played creepy organ music and the figures on either side danced. They also had a small fire pit (teens sat around that for the most part) and there were jack-o-lanterns lit up out there too.
another winner

There were also a couple of games for the girls. They played this one (above) where you had to wrap one of your team members up like a mummy...then you had to unwrap her as quickly as possible...ha a trick finish!
Everyone had a good time at this party. The teens had fun...participated in the costume contest and played air hockey in the garage, sat by the fire. The girls were typical girls...they enjoyed the treats and the games. The adults had fun too...we slipped out before the adults really got going....I'm sure the teens had some stories to tell the next day! hahaha I am so glad we decided to go have fun. The decorations ,the food, was great.
I figured it was time to go when one guy was calling me Pocahontas....hahah trying to get me on the "dance" floor. we did dance ...but it was mostly line dancing and I never get the steps right....haha
                                                    Ready for more fun tomorrow !!!!!!!
                                                           HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I am glad you guys went, I would have liked to go! I assume Buckwheat's girlfriend have kids?

    Pocahontas? Jeez! You are clearly a flapper
