Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Time to catch up

 It's been a week or two since I wrote anything...and I can't figure out what's been keeping me "busy"...but I figured I'd just catch up a bit.
 Nothing too exciting going on. Brenna and Haze came for a visit. Mel High had their 10 year reunion...and the visit happened to be the same weekend as the reunion. Brenna and her friend Amy didn't actually attend the planned events...but ran into some people downtown. Sometimes that's all you have to do...just go where the party is taking place...you're bound to see someone!
love Queen Anne's Lace

 Once again here's some pictures from our afternoon in Thornville, Ohio.  We were all acting kind of lazy the day after Ian and Tara's wedding...but my brother kept sending us messages telling us we were missing out. There was a place on the lake...that had a great band playing. We ignored the first
 few texts...but they just kept coming...and he finally convinced everyone to get going and join them at Papa Boo's.
 We got the whole gang together... Martha, Tony, Ian,Liz, Jon, Ryan, Meredith, Megan, Brenna, Rob, Shane, John, and I and decided it was a nice afternoon...sunset on the lake might not be such a bad idea.

 We made sure we had a table to sit at when we got there...didn't want to get there and have to hover around
 and we walked in when "Tainted Love" was being played by the band. (Filthy Habits). Okay...we were off to a good start.
 We sat kind of close to the stage...but not directly in front of the speakers...so it was loud...but not terrible. And...I liked the music. I recognized almost every song....most are on my I-pod somewhere.
 I guess you could compare it to  Lou's Blues.....a local spot in Indialantic. Lots of motorcycles...lots of tattoos, lots of smokers...but we were outside...so the smoke was not too bad. And...everyone was friendly and having a good time. We all managed to fit right in with the locals.

No Sleep Till Brooklyn!

first nice afternoon in a while apparently...so the place was packed...that and the fact the the band was really good. Put on a fun show.
It was a great evening on the last day of our trip. I don't know what I expected Ohio to be like...I didn't really have any expectations...but it was interesting. And they definitely...seem to like the same music as I do...because the band, the DJ and the radio all seemed to have a lot of songs that I liked on their play lists. That was NICE! And now...back to Indialantic.....things have been pretty quiet since we got back. John's been out fishing a couple of times. So has everyone else who likes to fish...because people have been catching tuna lately.
                          Like this 90 pounder caught by Ron and friends a couple of weeks ago. When you have this much fresh tuna...you need to get some people together to eat it all!
                               Ron has some friends who transformed the fish above into this

All that sushi just waiting to be eaten!   And we did...a friend had everyone over for some fresh fish...we had sushi, seared, a delicious lobster avocado and pasta salad,  etc. It was all good!
                                                            And when we were done.....

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