Thursday, August 15, 2013

Can you tell there's nothing going on?

 When the big excietment of my day is the nice sunset...well...that's just the way it is.
 I have been thinking about maybe signing up for a photography class.....I would love to actually capture what I really want to.
 We finally got some rain today...never thought I'd long for rain...but it's been really hot and dry this past week or two. The grass was looking thirsty...even after getting watered twice a week. We had thought about taking an evening walk...but when I took Kiena out for her walk...I spotted these clouds to the west.

 North of us apparently got drenched...we only got a little bit of rain here. Then came the pinkish I went out looking for the rainbow I knew would be there.

 It was a full rainbow
 Then it was back to the front yard to see the sunset...I knew it would be a good one.

It was...I enjoyed watching the sky as it changed with the sinking sun. The end of another pretty good ...if

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