Sunday, July 21, 2013

Have you had enough???( I haven't ! )

Marcus told us from the start he wasn't a big dancer. Martha told him...well...if you're going to be a member of this family you're going to have to learn to be one...or something along that line. The night of the reception, Marcus danced with Megan and looked great I might add. For someone who doesn't really "Like" to dance...he looked pretty good to me.We were dancing the night away and all of the sudden Megan spotted activity in the back....

Marcus and his parents...dancing!

                                                                Catie ran over to join in the fun.
next....Megan hopped in
    And so...of course the group of us on the other side of the dance floor had to mirror their moves!

 and that's how it went until the end of the song! It was fun...and then they joined us out on the dance floor!
                                    And  I love these pictures of Brenna with her own moves.

                                                                dancing away
                                            and trying to encourage someone else to join in.
                                                                That's our girl! hahah

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