Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happy Hour(s)

getting everything ready
 John was so excited that he finally caught a big tuna this past week. It has been over a year...maybe two since we had enough tuna to have a party. Tuna doesn't freeze it's best to eat it up when it's fresh. We ate some the day they caught it...cleaned it and then it went straight to the table with soy and wasabi! He went fishing again on another boat Friday...and they got 4 big fish and some other smaller ones. Even split up five ways...we had lots.  we gave some to friends and neighbors and then was time to plan a little get together. we decided it wasn't really enough for "dinner"...but we could have "Happy Hour" with sushi and some other treats. So John put a call in to Scott...and told him..."Whoever you think needs to know..." and it went from there. (it was funny our friend Gayle told soon as I saw that you caught tuna...I figured there was going to be a party...she knows us well...hah)
that's not a rump roast....

 We ended up having 30+ people over. I sliced up some fruit (cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapple and grapes...yummm), made some carrot bread, cut up some veggies and dip. Our friend Mike made a delicious  hot Artichoke and Lobster dip. It was soooo good with crackers. Janet brought some seaweed salad and some tuna tecate (sp??),  We had some chips and salsa and everyone brought their beverage of choice....and we just had fun.( And I also managed to unload some Hershey Kisses I still have from the wedding...we may still have some left when the 1st Anniversary come around...haha)
It was a fun afternoon/evening. Everyone was in a good mood, relaxed and just enjoyed some delicious tuna and snacks. Just what you need for Happy Hour!(S)

My little friends enjoyed the pool. Here Julia is demonstrating a new technique for drinking her juice box  :)

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