Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A trip to the zoo.....

 I finally made a trip to the zoo today. I've been wanting to go for a while...just didn't want to go alone...John and I attempted one time... but it was waaaaay too crowded. Hard to believe that was over a year ago. Today...Megan joined me.

                                             This was the most fun of the day....the giraffes!
                     We bought a couple of crackers and in no time this guy was enjoying a snack.
look at those eyes.....

 It wasn't as hot today as it has been...because there was cloud cover...but it was humid and hot enough that many of the animals were a little sluggish...(humans as well! hahah)The wallaby was relaxing...kangaroo was under a bush.
           The anteater made an appearance right when we walked up...perfect timing for my picture! They are so cool looking...so weird!
 I wanted to ride the train...but we didn't. It is the old train from the Disney Campground at Fort Wilderness. It used to take you around the campground. I wanted to ride it again for old time's sake...It is in beautiful condition!

 Couldn't resist posing for pictures. Hope to make a trip to the beach to see some real turtles while Megan and Catherine are here.
 This just might be the brick Brenna made way back when the zoo was first open. The kids made them in art class...Brenna's class had their bricks right near the front entrance...as far as I  remember that is I really do think this might be hers. If not...it will work...hahah
decided to see how I'd look with an Afro.....

Our last stop...the tortoise...the real one and this one. we left before the storms rolled in and it was a nice outing.

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