Sunday, June 30, 2013

weekly wrap up

my early morning view of the world
The rest of the week was pretty uneventful...not bad...but nothing too exciting. Saturday, however we attended a Celebration for our friend Pat Tanner. Instead of a funeral...everyone was invited to attend a party to celebrate her life. Her daughter made these cranes for everyone to take home.

 While Pat was sick...some friends of hers from high school paid her a visit and  delivered a gift of 1000 cranes. Chuck had this acrylic case made so they could put them all on display. It is colorful and wonderful to know the thoughts and well wishes that they represent.
 The weather did not look promising yesterday afternoon...but they had a big tent in the back yard...and for the most part the storms stayed away. It certainly did not keep all the friends, family, co-workers, neighbors from coming to say good-bye to a wonderful person. We will miss Pat and that great smile she had......but she has left a big impression on all of us.

 A few people shared some thoughts about Pat...and we all cried a little, laughed a little and just enjoyed the afternoon together. It was a wonderful tribute to her...and a nice alternative to a funeral. It hasn't really sunk in for me yet... because I did not see Pat all the time. We enjoyed some trips with Pat and her family...she included me in her "Girl's Night Out" get- togethers that she had when Chuck was away. It was always a treat to get the email inviting me to come over for some fun. She enjoyed a lot parties at our house over the years and taught us how to roll sushi when we had fresh tuna.
 It's hard to lose special people in life...we'll remember her of course...but it won't be quite the same without her...but as she told her sister..."Harriet, I'm going to be alright!" and she is. I'm sure we will all be okay too....because that's the way she would want it.

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