Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What can I say... pictures of the people


Megan's new sister-in-law-Catie
                                        Tom, Catie, Laura, Marcus, Megan, Avery, Bob and Andy
Megan and Marcus with Anne and Tom 

Brenna, Aunt Sandy, Anne

Anne (Mom), Aunt Ellen, Brenna, Megan, Meredith, Aunt Liz, Aunt Martha
                     Ellen and Martha were two of my "Motivational Dancers" haha...Liz is still recovering from knee she had limited time on the dance floor

Aunt Sandy & Uncle Ken,Anne & John, Marcus & Megan, Brenna, Aunt Kathie & Uncle Bill, Joe & Marilyn K

Cousin Ryan, Uncle Tony, Cousin Ian, Uncle Paul

Uncle David

The Burton Family...just like the old days...haha

Martha, Ellen, Elizabeth, Jen & Mom, Anne, David & Mark
DJ-Dave in background, John, Dan, Marcus, Megan, Brian Hogg (& Ellen)

Uncle Tony & Uncle Mark

bouquet toss...note Art in the group...hahah...sorry were just out of range

Sparklers on the front steps
I had a stressful afternoon...we had a program and when it ended all of the sudden there were Moms and Dads, Grandmas, babysitters and lots of kids...add to the mix the phone ringing, and other unluckypatrons who just happened to be in at that time. I don't mind the kids really...but I had several people who wanted library cards for their children...they had old cards, old fines, new addresses and assorted other out of the ordinary issues involved.When I have to work on  two or three of those in a row  my mind needs a minute or two to clear itself. d&%$ that magician who told them all to get cards!  Not's a good thing...but  after two especially difficult transactions...I did threaten to hide from the next parent wanting to get a card for their kid(s). Haha..There's just a lot of information to process all at the same time...and at the end of the day...I don't feel at the top of my game if you know what I mean. I think I got everything sorted out....and got every one's cards and fines straightened out ...the good thing is Susan will double check them all...(and I'm sure I'll hear it if I screwed something up.) 
So...that's when I decided...what the heck...I'll enjoy looking at the pictures and showing them to everyone. I feel better already...hah

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