Saturday, June 15, 2013

The next day....

 We had a cook-out last night. I've been thinking about it and just decided to plan one. We called a few friends and they called a few friends...but that's always good and had a little get together. I got off work at 5:15 (not 5pm...the 15 minutes is important!...sorry it's an inside joke) and came home to get ready. Chicken to cube, fruit to cut up, etc. By 6:30/7pm we were ready to go. During the "party" I only took a couple of I took some of the day after...haha this case right before I started cleaning up.

Say Chocolate! My Mom read somewhere that you should tell people to say chocolate instead of cheese...for a more natural looking  smile

they did have a lot of chocolate though...haha

 Julia informed me that "You need two of those!" I told her it was John's fault...I buy fun noodles, etc...he always throws them away...hah It's true...he gets grouchy when there's too much stuff lying he pitches it.
 when kids come over I get to get my toys out...when they dry off...I hide them from John...haha

we had Chicken shish-kabobs....a recipe my sister Elizabeth gave me years's always good!

I love my solar charged lantern from Target...I might have to go get a couple charges all day and looks like it has a candle flickering  inside at night

the cooler is a little empty today...but the guys went you never know...if they catch fish we might be doing it all again tonight!

on the other hand.... the refrigerator is full of leftovers...I don't usually have this much stuff in there!

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