Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring weather

The weather here has been really nice. We've had a few late cold fronts moving through...keeping the weather perfect. I've been taking my usual walk or bike ride everyday...and lately John has been going along with me. Some evenings I meet up with Karen for a short walk down to the river front park in Indialantic. Tonight it was windy and pretty chilly...but also clear and the moon is almost full. A good night for a walk.
 I tried to take a couple of pictures right at sunset...but I didn't have the setting right. But...I kind of like the way the lights on the causeway  look.

Lots of birds are around these days. I  have spotted the usual woodpeckers, doves and mockingbirds recently. This morning a heard, then saw a cardinal. I have my spring "flag" out...and just above where it sits...
                         a mockingbird is building a nest. We can watch it through the front window.

                                    I never realized what a messy job it is to build a  nest.
                         The birds are making progress.
             Now I just have to stay clear of Mama bird...so she doesn't attack me when I come out the door.
Today she was packing in the bottom of the nest. We'd look out and see her tail feathers sticking up in 
                        the  air....then she'd be off again in search of more building supplies..
We also   have to be on the look out for the neighborhood cat that is always lurking around here....can't let it get to the babies!

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