Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Earlier this week the sky was clear and the moon was setting as the sun came up
 This morning we got up EARLY (for me anyway). Had to get up at 5:30am to make it to sunrise mass at 6:30am. Luckily it was right down the I could wait until the last possible minute to be out the door.
For once it was me...convincing get up and go. (he is a little sore from fishing yesterday...coming in against the wind was tough!)
 We went to Holy Name's was nice. The regular priest was there...also a seminarian who is going to be ordained May 25th. He gave a nice sermon...
The regular priest joked  "No pressure...Easter sunrise mass with thousands of people in attendance")
It is a beautiful day...a little chilly to start...but it's warming up nicely. Blue skies...nice sunrise. The usual flyover by a few planes and one comes by every year with JESUS SAVES painted on the bottom of his wings.
 I didn't take any pictures at the beach or at the brunch that followed at the Hogg's house. As they called it "The Hank and Tracy Spino Memorial Brunch". I just snapped a few pictures of my flowers in my yard...not too many yet...but I have my regulars...haha
 Brunch was great as usual...all the family friends who have been getting together for MANY years...We started the sunrise mass tradition back when I was in High School...a small group of my parents and their friends...we had our own, with one of our priest friends. Over the years the church had their mass...and I don't remember when exactly the brunch afterwards started...but it's been at least 30 years. It's always nice to feel like part of the gang again.
 This year there was lots of discussion about our daughter Megan's wedding this May. Everyone wanted to hear about the plans...and offer congratulations. My parent's friends of course have children and they've been through this stage of life. ...but everyone was excited for us.
 We ate and talked...the young kids had their Easter egg hunt....with the now older kids assisting. It was fun.
                         The youngest child this year was Beth Spino's grandson...2 1/2  weeks old!

 After we got home...we took a nice bike ride....and I'm sure at some point today I'll be taking a nap! :)
                              Happy Easter! 42 days and counting till Megan and Marcus's big day!

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