Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Sea Glass Inn if Open for business!

 Our friends have been working for the last few years to try to get this Bed and Breakfast place open.They've been collecting antiques and assorted furniture and linens, waiting for the day they could put it all together and make their dream come true.
 They had one original house to remodel and then  they built a separate building in the back that has 6 rooms. The Town of Melbourne Beach is notorious for making things very difficult. It seemed like one stumbling block after another but they are ready for business! Tonight was an Open House. It was fun to go see the place finished and ready for guests...when I last saw it John was working on tile in all the bathrooms. That was about a year ago.

 The pictures loaded onto the blog in an order all their I'm going to go with it. I moved a few around...but then just decided it doesn't really matter. This is one of the rooms in the back (new) building. It has a door that can be opened to connect into the next room for a family/group.

 This is another downstairs room. I like this bed! and the soft green color of the room.
Loft room. This bed is downstairs,,,,

sofa bed up in the loft. Fun room!

view of stairs from back patio

pool in back corner of patio
at the other end is this fire pit. I didn't want to take a picture of the whole area...there were people sitting around the "fire"
near the pool

This room is in the original house. The floor has a gentle slope to can feel the age. But I like it!

 It is next to the small dining area. Very can eat here...or take your meal outside.
here's that room I like again

This room is also in the older part of the building.

Tub area and small "closet.".....and just out of the photo is the newer bathroom with toilet and shower. This room has a small porch that faces west. A great room to watch the sunset over the Melbourne Beach Pier. It has this small sitting area with TV. This room is situated above the kitchen/dining area.
Everyone admired John's tile work. It all looked great. I was so impressed with everything Jeanne and Richard have done to the place. It was a long time coming...but they have customers/guests coming February 21st! I am so happy for them.

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