Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Making Plans

 We left Sunday for a weekend trip to Hilton Head and Savannah. We had planned to meet Megan and Marcus back in Savannah to go over final plans with the people at the Mackey House...or more specifically...with Dave...who is going to be the DJ/MC for the day.As it turns out Marcus's grandparents are in Hilton Head for a few our plan was to go meet Megan and Marcus and stay one night at their place. Because of the timing...we decided to spend the first night here

as a celebration of our 31st anniversary. John made the reservation. We realized after we talked to Megan that we were staying right across the street from the townhouse Marcus's grandparents were staying in. (That made it very easy for us to find their place the next day.)
The Inn was great. The staff was very friendly and the room was great! we had a view of the 9th hole.
coffee and tea on each floor in the morning

this lovely shot is me in the robe...sipping the complimentary champagne brought to us by the staff for our anniversary

they were working on the new pool right outside our window. It doesn't look like it's going to be done before the big Golf Tournament in March...but what do I know...

We walked down to the lighthouse to watch the sunset. Normally these rockers are full...but it was  unusually chilly out. We did have fun listening to a group of people staying in a room just above the street...they were playing "Name That Tune"
They were also obviously was pretty funny listening to them....however I don't think we heard any one song in it's entirety. (reminded me of my brother David..."Listen to this...and this, and this..." haha)
 After the sunset we went inside for a drink. We saw an interesting cast of of characters in there...a couple who had been there for a while....if you know what I mean...and then some guy and his three kids. He told us all that his wife was Irish...he got to name his son...Dan...she named the girls Aoife and Aiylish (I think....) (pronounced Eefa and Aylish.) He said he would give anyone who could guess how to spell his daughter's name $100.00. We were all calling out spellings...and of course none of us got it right. We all had some good laughs. I had seen that name written...but never knew what the pronunciation was.
view out the back of the townhouse the grandparents were staying in
                   Alligator statue outside the restaurant we all went to for dinner Monday night.
Tuesday morning John and I, and Marcus and Megan headed down to Savannah for our meeting.
I think John was afraid I was going to get all worked up when I talked to the DJ....He thought he was going to have to be a referee...geez...I'm not that bad! haha I did however have our complete play the order we (I) think will work best. Mind you this list has been carefully planned out...I want everyone there to hear at least one song that they recognize. It took a little doing...but Megan and I managed to convey to him that he didn't have to play it in that exact order...but we wanted him to play only the songs on the list. He could rearrange them as needed to keep things going. He made some suggestions to Megan...some she liked...a lot she did not. And before long I think he realized we had a plan...we just needed him to carry it out..... I guess the bottom line if the play list's my fault.....but I am confident that it's going to be fun. The first few songs we have planned should get people going. If not...they just don't want to dance! haha.... Megan and I are on the same page...she likes the same music I do...and she approved the list. Marcus doesn't dance much.. .not yet anyway...haha...he said his family doesn't dance the Burton gang is going to motivate them! We are going to dance and have so much fun...that everyone will get up and dance before the night is over! That's my goal! and Dave is the guy to pull it off....I hope. The meeting went well...we finalized several things...we know what our plans are...and we are ready to go. We'll have a rehearsal the day before...nothing too involved...but just making sure everyone knows where to be...where to go...etc. Everything else is under was a good meeting. We headed home after that...M & M headed to town to file  for their marriage license and then back to Hilton Head for the rest of the week. They meet with the caterer later this week. So...things are moving along.
Tomorrow...back to reality....but at least I get to start the day with the kids....tomorrow's theme...DOGS. It's kind of nice for the week to start on Thursday.  :)

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