Saturday, January 19, 2013

When the moon is in the seventh house....or something

I don't know what was in the air...but we had one strange patron after another yesterday! They were either asking for really strange "favors" or being unreasonable (as far as I was concerned anyway) allow me to rant a little.
The first lady (?) of the day was giving my co-worker an earful about her fine that was due. "There's no can that be!"...etc etc for what seemed like 2 minutes. I glanced over to see how much she owed and to see if I could give J a hand. Well... turns out the patron owed .20cents! Sometimes people are so obnoxious...I don't say anything...I just pay it myself...or take it out of the money other patrons  give us when they say keep the change. But...sometimes (like yesterday) people are just so annoying that I decide I am getting that 20c if it kills me! Turns out the fine was from Dec 2009...When people are going on and on my head I am saying what I can't say out loud
Her- "No one told me I owed this did it suddenly get on there?" (there's no way to back date when a fine was assessed)
in my head -  It's from 3 years ago...that's why you don't remember...and no one said anything because they didn't want to hear you complaining about paying 20c when you are checking out a pile of books worth hundreds of dollars!
After all her ranting and raving...she finally paid up and left.
Moving on.....the director notified us to be on the look-out for someone who was supposed to be coming in. A part time resident who had a $50.00 or something fine on her card. She had been in and paid $30.00 towards the total...but I guess after she got home she started thinking about it and came back and complained to the director about how we treat "Canadians" and she's sick of it...and on and on...thankfully I missed that episode!

We  had a lady call..(.poor J again)...and said she owed $7.60 on a book...but she was pretty sure she had donated to us in the first place so she wanted us to cancel the fine. That's the first time anyone asked for that....

One regular patron... friendly but kind of annoyingly so...patron noticed a book he had requested, checked out then reconsidered and returned...was still on his card. He is also the type who will obsess over it until it is resolved...which unfortunately won't be until the book gets back to Port St. John by way of the courier. No courier on Sat/Sun and Monday is a holiday which gives Mr. D plenty of time to get worked up about it. I was happy (can't help it) to hear it was actually the director who waited on not only does he know that we made a mistake...he knows WHO made it! I tried to reassure him that it would get resolved...don't worry...but he just kept saying "It better not get lost!" "I better not get charged" ...etc etc...
I tried to stay calm and to myself I just said "Go home!...It will be fine!" "How often do you come in here...have we ever given you a hard time about mistakes YOU"VE made!"

There was an assortment of other minor incidents...missing items, misplaced items...etc...and I was so glad when the day ended and I could go home!!!

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