Sunday, January 20, 2013

Preparations continue

 I have been keeping myself busy with odds and ends...getting ready for the wedding in May. And as you can see from the photo above...stockpiling assorted items.( I may be driving up in a U-haul if I keep this up. haha) (not ALL of that is going...but a lot of it is)
 We have been trying out different colors to decide which green is the right one. I think we have decided. Once I hung all of them up...I was able to see which one I liked...then sent a picture to Megan for her decision.
 I had to hang the banner to see how the paper lanterns looked next to it. That's the other thing we are still working on. How do we want to hang the a a row (alternate lengths)...they WON"T look like they do above...that was just an experiment....Once we meet with the Mackey House staff again in February...we can look around the area where the reception is going to take place and kind of imagine what will look good in the space....and shelve the rest. (for another party of course...haha)

 I am making some photo collages to put on display. Played around with different backgrounds...but settled on the three boards above...they should hold all the pictures I have in mind...and be easy to hang/or place in a nice grouping. The background is just white and black...the ribbon is white.( Most of the background will be covered up by the pictures...once I have them all.)
 While looking at the pictures I had to laugh...check out our feet in the picture below. They are positioned just like my grandmother Eileen's feet in her wedding picture. My Mom always had us position our feet that way...Now I know why! hahah
Anne, Martha, Ellen
Grandma and Grandpa Welch

one of my boxes
I have been buying champagne a bottle at a time and storing it away...I figure one bottle at a time is a little less "painful" when it comes to cost. I do that with a lot of a little here and there until I have what I need/want. I'm sure it doesn't save me money...I may even end up spending more.....but I don't mind. It's a mental thing for me. John has told me NOT to buy any wine...he doesn't want to haul it all up there...when we can buy it there....which of course makes sense...we are going to have a well packed car as it is.  :)
 I ordered some " glasses" for the toast.....and was trying to come up with a way to designate the ones for non-alcohol drinkers. Charms ?. ...ribbon?...and then came up with the idea to paint some polka dots on the bases with the paint leftover from my other projects. I think they look cute...and the non drinkers will be able to easily spot (no pun intended...haha) their glasses. And...the kids might like the polka dots!

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