Sunday, December 2, 2012

November ends

During the last week I have run into several friends on the bike path, at the mall, at work. It's been kind of fun. Each day I seem to run into someone different...some of whom I haven't seen in a year or more.
I have enjoyed catching up (briefly) with everyone. Yesterday I saw Patti, today it was Lisa, Rene, Debbie and a friend, last week I visited with Karen.
The weather here has been great...we had a couple weeks of cooler, fall like weather; which really made it feel like it really was November! I have lived in Florida over 40 (yikes) years and still miss the changing seasons. Thanksgiving just seems more like Thanksgiving when it's cool and cloudy out. It's so nice to wear a long sleeved shirt/dress and not get HOT!
Brenna and her friend Josh were here for Thanksgiving. We took a boat ride up the river one afternoon. It was windy...but not too bad, especially back in the canals, where you have to keep your speed down anyway.(Manatee zone) We did see some manatees and a few dolphins. It was a great afternoon. I have pictures...but have to figure out how to add to my account so I can continue to post photos. Haven't deciphered all the "Terms of Service" yet...when I do...I'll be able to post pictures again.
We watched the exciting game between Alabama and Georgia last night. Alabama manged to pull off the win...barely. Georgia players made a tactical error right at the end that probably cost them the win...but who cares???? Alabama won again...can't wait to see the game with Notre Dame. Hope it's as exciting as the one last night.
 Of course everyone knows by now that the Gators managed to beat Florida State this year...I really didn't know if they could do it...but that was exciting and fun to watch too...especially since we came out victorious! (like I had anything to do with it...haha). (now we don't have to listen to the FSU fans for a whole year! haha)
Wedding plans are moving along...things are falling into place. We have a few other weddings coming nephew Ian is date (as far as I know) yet....our friend Lindsey is getting married in February. Next weekend Karen and Al will celebrate their son Eric's wedding...I can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about it.
Okay...I have been spending too much time on the computer lately...what I really need to do is get my holiday decorations out and start figuring out what I am putting up this year. It's only December 2nd...but somehow it feels like time is racing on and if I don't get it done....I'm going to run out of time. I don't put up my tree too early...because I like to keep it up until after the 1st of the year....but I do enjoy it while it's up. The sooner I put it all up...the sooner I can sit back and enjoy the view I guess! stop is the garage...where I will get the bins and boxes them and shake them around to let any unwanted "creatures" get out...then start getting things organized and up. Until next time........................

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