Thursday, November 15, 2012

Catch up

 It's been a week or so since I wrote anything...just haven't had much going on...or I just didn't get around to writing about it. Either way...I'll catch up a little...............................These are a couple of shots from Hilton Head. The last hole on the Harbour Pines Golf course and below, the club house at the Westin Hotel's golf course. It was pretty...all the oak trees, nice big porch. We dropped off the guys and headed to the spa. Everyone had a good day!

Cool clouds at sunset in Shelter Cove Marina area

 Sunset on the marsh.

Last week John's cousin Joe was in town We met Lucy and Mac for dinner at Meg O'Malley's .downtown.Joe had never met them so we got together for dinner.

 We had a nice dinner. Our neighbor Scotty was there and he took care of us. He offered us drinks after dinner (I had already had two champagne & raspberry liqueur cocktails)...but when he didn't get any takers...he brought us two delicious desserts instead. We all protested..."We're pretty full..." However we polished them both off in no time at all. Bread pudding and a Black and Tanner Sundae...Yum.
 Wednesday I finally made it in to read some Thanksgiving stories to Amy's class. That was fun...and I think they enjoyed the ones I picked. And then today I had Story Time... that has finally started to pick up a bit. October was slow...I was starting to think I would never get any kids to come. We read Thanksgiving and food stories...and made some pretend "Stone Soup" The kids really liked putting the" vegetables" in and stirring the" soup".
Tomorrow evening John and I are participating in the First annual "Rivalry Run"...between the local alumni from UF and FSU. It should be fun and the $$ goes to Project Hunger...a local charity dear to my heart.

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