Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The week in review

 There was a lot going on last week. It started with a visit to the dentist. I was due for a cleaning and also had a few teeth that needed a little work. All in all it wasn't too bad...the only thing that really hurt was writing the check...haha That and the fact that they found a crack in one tooth that's going to need some work before it cracks and then I would be ... as the dentist said "the word hosed comes to mind"  Oh it's not good when the dentist is making jokes like that! But I like him...and he makes going to the dentist not so bad...and for that I will continue writing the checks.

Last week was also our little neighbor's 2nd birthday. His parents invited a group of friends over to celebrate. They had a bounce house in the back yard and a horse to give rides to the kids. Well...it turned out that the lady who came with the horse was an old friend of ours.....we were in a play group together back when our kids were little. Della has always been great with kids and she loves her horses! (and goats, pigs, rabbits, etc...my girls always enjoyed going to her house to see her animals and ride the horses) It was fun to see her again...and to watch the kids reacting to the horse.(Katie)

 We've had lots of cloudy/rainy days. A little sun at least part of the days... usually enough to heat things up and result in a thunderstorm. It's been very humid and uncomfortable. Still waiting for a cold front to reach us! I know it could be worse...but the humidity makes it kind of miserable.

Friday night, Saturday & Sunday there was an Art Festival in downtown Melbourne. David's art work was featured  on the posters and the programs. He did not actually enter to be judged...he brought his one large piece that has one in several shows...and lots of small ...approx. $38.00 pieces to sell. When we were there it seemed like business was pretty good.
* Our sister Elizabeth and nephew Ryan, decided to fly down from VA for the weekend. Elizabeth had a knee replacement 10 weeks ago...the recovery has been slow going...and extremely hard (which is not unusual...that's why Dr. told me to avoid it if at all possible) She had a ticket and Ryan had a break from University of Virginia...so they hopped on a plane and flew down.
They arrived around 1:30pm Saturday...and came straight from the airport to the show. I met up with them there. We had a tasty lunch at Meg O" Malley's. John picked up Ryan and brought him to a friend's house where the gang was watching the Gators play LSU. Liz and  I walked around the show....then headed back to the house so Liz could give her knee a rest. There was some good entertainment scheduled for the night...but we all went home tired and hot. After the game John and Ryan came home... Ryan took a nap...Liz took a rest, John watched football went to bed and I rinsed off. We all kind of "pooped out" and decided we weren't interested in going back to see Tone Loc in the rain. Well........kind of...Ryan woke up after about an hour and half "nap"...and asked if I'd bring him over for the show. (it started at 10:30pm)...so I took him back and he met up with David and Paul. They had fun.
Sunday we went by boat up to Grills for lunch with Reid, Amy and Chandler. It was great! John and Ryan had thought about going offshore fishing...but decided the weather was too unstable....and they didn't want to deal with rain or rough seas. We opted for the river instead...which meant Amy, Liz and I were happy to go along. When we got back to the dock, Liz and I went back to the Art Show.
 It wouldn't be a trip to Indialantic without going for breakfast at the Blueberry Muffin. Paul joined us...and we took a picture...but I spared Elizabeth...the look on her face was pretty goofy...and there was no way to crop her out and still have Paul and Ryan in the picture...haha
 Almost forgot...Friday I was called for Jury Duty. Had to report to Viera at 8:00am. I reported...signed in and read my book while I waited.I did get picked by one of the three judges hearing cases that day... went upstairs with the group and waited some more...then it was determined that the case had actually been amended...so we were free to go...since it would be heard on another day. Viera Shopping "Center" is conveniently located  nearby...so I stopped by there on my way home. (didn't find anything...but enjoyed looking). Came home and baked a cake (for the guests) hahaha...and was glad the work part of the week was over.
So...that's the week in review........next/this week...who knows.

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