Tuesday, October 2, 2012


 Lately there's been a lot of creatures around here...trying to make themselves at home. Last year it was the big rat who thought we had a nice "attic". Got rid of that for a hefty price and things were pretty quiet. Every month our bug guy knocks down the spider webs on the back porch....but lately when he comes the dogs get pretty worked up and I think he's afraid to get any closer to the house than neccessary...haha so the spiders are having a fine time out back. I got tired of accidentally walking into webs so I finally got the broom out and started knocking them down and gently relocating them to the great outdoors.( I didn't want to kill them...just encourage them to move along.) I thought I had done well...didn't see any for a day or two...then we had some early morning rain a few days ago and I spotted this web. Pretty cool...shining nicely in the early morning sunshine. The spider wasn't too big and the web looked to nice to destroy...so it's still there for the time being...as soon as I need to get to that part of the porch I'll knock it down...but as far as I know it's till out there.

Sunday we had a group of bees (about 20) that suddenly appeared in the garage and they were all heading to the same opening in the wall. There would be 3-4 at a time crawling in...and Brenna was freaking out....They didn't bother me too much...I didn't see the whole group...but something was definitely up. Brenna called a bee removal service and they said they could come out later that night. They have to wait until dark to work....and had 4 other stops before they got here. There have been Africanized honey bees found in the county and they can be very aggressive if disturbed...they will chase you for  a long time (1000 yards? I think he said) Once they (the bee guys) arrived...they checked in the wall.. and around the area to make sure they hadn't gotten in somewhere else..(they like electrical boxes!).and though they didn't find any bees...they suggested that we probably had some scouts coming to check the place out...and and possibly  releasing (?) pheromones to signal to the rest of the group that they had found a suitable home. If that was the case we could expect the swarm to show up....you know a big ball sized swarm of 100's or thousands of bees.....Brenna was really freaking out now...I kind of thought that would be cool to see...however I was  not really keen on the idea of them living in my garage...haha. The guys blocked off the holes and sprayed something (I don't know what...hopefully not just a can of Raid...) to discourage them from returning....or at least not staying if they did return. We kept the garage door closed the next day and we only saw  one or two or three strays out there looking around. Luckily for us the whole gang, wherever they were,  had moved on to another spot...I guess the scouts came back and decided our garage wasn't so great after all.
Good...................I don't want to pay to move any more creatures!

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