Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tebow Time again

 Football is back...and so was the gang at LongDoggers. Now that Tim Tebow is playing for the Jets some of  his local fans are having a harder time rooting for him...because the Jets are big rivals of the Miami Dolphins. No Miami fan is going to cheer for the Jets...hahah I am not a Miami I change cheer all I want. It just so happens that the Jets have held their training camp in Cortland, NY this season and two years ago. Since my Brother-in-law is president of SUNY-Cortland...he was very involved in the negotiations/arrangements. It is great for the school and the community to have the team train there. One of the  perks for Ellen and Erik has been meeting some of  the players & their families, the coaches, even the owner. They have attended a couple of games...(with box seats) and from conversations with my's all been a lot of fun. When we heard Tebow was going to be part of the team...we called Ellen to try and get some t-shirts during the training camp. We got one for Al...which he hung in the restaurant...and a couple for our friend Tom
who actually is a Jets fan. He wore his shirt today. If you watched the know the Jets  won...and Tebow didn't get too much playing time...but we cheered him on when he got in...haha It should be a fun season.

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