Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Come On're better than that...

Anyone who knows me...knows that when something is bothering me I just have to get it off my chest and then I can let it go. If I find myself thinking about it over and aver again...I just need to say what I think. I DO try to think it through first...and say how I feel without being overly critical, nasty, etc. That said...something's been bothering me and I figured I can say what I think here...and no one has to listen to me rant... but I can say what I think haha.
The other day we were watching football with some friends. Someone mentioned having seen Air Force One up at Patrick Air Force Base. (President Obama was speaking at FIT in Melbourne). This comment prompted a brief political discussion...which I stayed out of..(it was tough...haha). I didn't hear all the comments...I didn't really listen because I knew I did not agree with them  and I didn't want to get into it. At one point I did hear John say (kind of sharply) "Hey. Watch it". I didn't pay much attention.
Later that evening he told me one of the guys (who will remain anonymous) made some kind of comment about Obama that included the "N" word. I'm sure John was GLAD I didn't hear that...because he knows me well enough to know I would have spoken up(....and I am happy to know that he did.)
I thought about it and I think I was more disappointed than anything. Come's 2012! You should know better! This wasn't some dumb redneck making the comment...but it might as well have been. Making racial slurs is never appropriate....if you don't like the president because you don't like his policies...fine...I get that.. (believe me I was depressed for  the 8 years while George Bush was in office...I CRIED when he got re elected).but to act as if his race has anything to do with it is just stupid.
 It really honestly makes me sad to think peoplle still don't get you treat people, the things you do are what counts...not what you look like....or what religion you are.  Be smart enough to know unless people get along and work together...nothing is ever going to get done.
 Making stupid or racist  comments doesn't make you funny; in my eyes they make you look ignorant.
Be better than smarter than that...Come on man!

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