Sunday, February 12, 2012

weekly wrap up

We had a nice week last week...starting with the Super Bowl party. The weather all week was a little different than our usual winter weather. It was cloudy and humid and warmer than normal all week. We finally got a good soaking of rain at the end of the week and then a cold front worked it's way down to Florida. Saturday was windy and kind of cool...then it got chilly last night. This morning we woke up to cold temperatures and foggy windows. Finally!

For a re-cap of last week...We started off with the fun Super Bowl party...we all agreed that the food and friends made for a great time. I think everyone enjoyed it. It was also the first day of Joe and Marilyn's visit. They arrived late Saturday night and jumped right in with golf and the party on Sunday.
John took the three of us down to the job site where he was working last week. Friends of ours are opening a Bed and Breakfast in Melbourne Beach. It's across the street from Rykman Park and within view of the Melbourne Beach Pier. The are remodeling an old home and then built a new building in back that will have 6 rooms available, a small pool and gazebo area. Very looks like it will be cozy. They hope to open in a month...John figures it will more likely be about 2 months until they finish. John did all the tile work. each room has some sea glass tile. There is a big old oak tree that they built around...I liked that.

We had to take our guests to all the local spots...LongDoggers and Moo's of course! Joe has a real sweet he stopped by the local candy shop for some chocolate covered potato chips.
and we all enjoyed the hot tub. Nothing beats sending a photo of yourself in the hot tub back home to friends up north! hahaha
John had some snapper to cook up for Marilyn...island style.
Marilyn cooked us dinner one night Pana-peian style barbecued chicken and a chicken and noodle dish. It was nice to come home from work to a big dinner. Everything was good.

The week ended with a trip to Orlando to have dinner with Martha and Tony, David and Bridget. Martha and Tony left here last Monday for a couple of days in Orlando and then a meeting in the Bahamas. They got back to Orlando yesterday and had one last day in town before leaving for home this morning. We picked them up at the airport hotel and we all went to dinner at my favorite place...The Flying Fish at Disney's Boardwalk.
we all had a good dinner and some nice wine and a lot of laughs.
and then it was time to say goodbye to them and the end of a great week.
It's going to be awfully quiet around here this week. The good thing is that in a few weeks we will see Martha and Tony again in Lake Tahoe...when we meet them to ski/snowboard and celebrate our 30Th anniversary.(we actually went to Tahoe on our honeymoon...and just by chance...we will be going back to celebrate our anniversary.)

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